Meet the Teaching Team September 2015
The staff working with Class 4 this year are: Miss McClune, Mr Evans, Mrs Lawless and Miss McIlduff Teaching Team
In Class 4 we study 3 broad topics: Autumn TermThe Roman Empire and The Anglo Saxons Spring TermAncient Egyptians Summer TermThe Water Cycle To support your child’s learning at home please encourage them to carry out their own research using books or the Internet. A more detailed outline of topic coverage will be posted on our class page of our website each term ( Throughout the year we also have a number of curriculum enhancement weeks such as International Week, Art Week, Science Week, National Sports Week, etc. We will keep you informed when these events take place. Curriculum Overview
Homework Timetable During the week your child will bring home a range of homework activities. Your support with the completion of these tasks is essential. If for any reason your child is unable to complete their homework please send a letter or call the school office. Monday Reading + Spelling Tuesday Reading, Spelling + Mathematics Wednesday Reading + Spelling Thursday Reading, Spelling + English Friday Reading, Spelling + Science
Reading Throughout the week your child will bring home reading books from our levelled school reading scheme. They will also bring home a reading record book which contains vital information about the ways that you can support your child’s reading development. We require you to read with your child every day and maintain a dialogue with us through this book. A written comment on the books your child is reading and on their reading development should be made daily in their reading record.
Each Tuesday your child will bring home a set of new spellings to learn. Please encourage them to learn them using the Look, Say Cover, Write, Check method. Encourage your child to spend a few minutes each day revisiting and reviewing their spellings. If you could test your child verbally or on paper throughout the week this would also really support their learning too. Your child will be tested every Tuesday afternoon. Spelling
To assist your child’s with their maths homework we are giving you a copy of our school ‘Numeracy Calculation Policy’. It explains how we are teaching your child to carry out the four number operations (+, -, X & ÷ ). Numeracy
P.E. in Class 4 takes place on Wednesdays and Thursdays. This year Class 4 will swim at The Meadows Swimming Pool (Maghull) on Thursday afternoons during Autumn 1, Autumn 2 and Summer 2. Could you please ensure that your child has appropriate kit in school for these lessons. Your child should wear black shorts, a red Grange T-shirt and black pumps (indoor) or trainers (outdoor) to participate in P.E. lessons. If your child needs a new P.E. T-shirt they can be purchased from Prima Donna in the Marion Square. It is vital for your child’s health and development that they take part fully in P.E. lessons. Therefore, if your child presents without a kit we will contact you to arrange for one to be brought into school. Could you please ensure that all P.E. kit is labelled with your child’s name. P.E.
Snack Unfortunately the funding that was used to buy fruit for children in Key Stage Two (i.e. Years Three to Six) has been withdrawn. We are obviously very keen that all children continue to receive the nutritional benefits of a piece of fruit every day but, in future, we ask that you send your child to school with fruit to be eaten at break time. Please note: Only fruit is permitted (e.g. an apple or a banana.) Children may not bring snack bars, biscuits, cereal bars or any other snack.
Classrooms are open from 8.45am each morning. Lessons begin at 8.55am. Any child arriving after this time is late. Please ensure you try to ensure your child arrives on time to avoid disruption to the class and your child’s learning. If your child is unable to attend school, due to illness, please ring the school office. If you haven’t contacted school our Home-School Liaison Officer will contact you. If your child has an appointment could you please send a letter or appointment card into school with the details. Annual and weekly attendance awards are given to the classes with the best attendance. Please help our class to achieve as many awards as possible this year!!! Attendance & Punctuality
Please ensure your child is always dressed for school in the appropriate school uniform. Could you also ensure that all uniform and belongings are labelled with your child’s name. Trainers are NOT allowed to be worn for school. However, children may bring in trainers to change into at break- times. Jewellery (apart from watches and small stud earrings) may not be worn. Children with long hair should wear it tied back. Please ensure haircuts are appropriate for school. Nail varnish should not be worn in school. Uniform
In school we offer a large range of extended school activities which we encourage your child to take part in. All activities are run by our own team of teaching assistants or qualified teachers/coaches and there are different activities offered each half-term. Study Support begins each morning at 7.45am, etc. Extended School Activities
Please ensure the front office has your most current address and phone number. If you change your mobile number let us know so that we are able to contact you by text message. If small issues arise, for example with homework, then you can write notes in your child’s homework diary as another method of communication. Newsletters will be sent home regularly to keep you up to date with school news. Communication
Website Please check out our new website On it you’ll find lots more information about school. There are shortcut links to Espresso Learning and Bug Club (reading books) on the home page. Some children will also have access to Lexia Learning and RMeasimaths. Individual log in and password details can be found in your child’s Online Learning Passport. Regularly visiting and working on these websites, particularly with your support, will have positive effect on your child’s learning.
If you have any concerns or issues during this year please come and speak to one of us. Many thanks for coming Finally…