10G - New Manageability Features Presented by Lenka Vanek
Oracle 10g – Manageability Active Session History (ASH) –Contains recent session activity Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) = Infrastructure -> Central element – provides services Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitoring (ADDM) –Generate advice based on AWR data Server Generated Alerts - metrics computation and and threshold validation done by Oracle database 10G directly
ASH =v$ session +History Contains recent session activity History of v$session_wait … records what is session waiting for Every Second Inactive sessions not sampled. Design – rolling buffer in memory Size - between 1M & 128M (avg. sample record 600 bytes) --- Algorithm used to estimate ASH buffers size memory_quota = max(2% of sga_target, 5% of shared_pool_size); /* sga_target = 0 when AUTO SGA is OFF */ cpu_quota = 2MB * (# of CPUs); ash_size = min( cpu_quota, memory_quota ); ash_size = max( 1MB, ash_size); /* atleast 1MB */ ash_size = min( 128MB, ash_size); /* atmost 128MB */
ASH Provider for ADDM v$session and v$session_wait join eliminated – –Prior 10G - sessions experiencing waits were generally located by joining the v$session_wait view with the v$session view. –10G - offers query simplification. All the wait event columns from v$session_wait have been added to v$session. x$ash V$active_session_history - contains one row for each active session per sample DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY - contains historical data the greater the system activity, the smaller the number of seconds of session activity that can be stored in the circular buffer Flushed every 30 minutes or when buffer is full –MMON every 30 minutes and by MMNL (Memory Monitor Light) whenever the buffer is full –wrh$active_session_history
Statistics ASH v$session SGA AWR Snapshots MMON MMNL V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY ASH Rolling Buffer Recent History 30 min is just goal
ASH - Limitations Query of v$active_session_history needs a session Query of v$active_session_history requires all relevant latches in SQL layer If system is crippled ASH will impose more overhead on these latches
AWR – Automatic Workload Repository AWR is Infrastructure Collects, maintains and utilizes statistics Two major parts: –In-memory statistics – fixed views- V$ –WR Schema, Snapshots – persistent portion for historical analysis. –SYSAUX tablespace - occupies 63.7% of space –Process MMON – memory monitor – disk transfer, snapshots purging, retention period
AWR Snapshots SYSAUX 7 days - Default MMON V$DBA_% SGA In memory statistics Collections: Time model, wait classes, OS stats, Metrics, SQL Stats Object Stats ADDM SQL*Plus AWR ASH BG ….. FG v$sysstat v$sql v$segment_statistics v$sys_time_model v$osstat v$event_name ………
AWR = STATSPACK ++ Foundation for all of the other self-tuning features. Runs every 30 min Provides data for –ADDM –Alerts –Advisors –Cost Based Optimizer –End-to-end tracing Automatically installed, populated, purged for 10G only Default retention – 7 days. This can be changed.
AWR and Snapshots Stores information in form of Snapshots (similar to statspack snapshots, but more precise) Snapshot = set of data captured at a certain time Each time a snapshot is taken, the ADDM is triggered to do an analysis of the period corresponding to the last two snapshots Snapshot can be taken manually BEGIN DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.CREATE_SNAPSHOT (); END; /
AWR – Base Statistics and Metrics Base statistics – raw data Metrics – secondary, derived from base statistics –Updated by MMON –Example: avg number of physical reads per sec in the system in the last 30 minutes Tract the rates of change Indicators of DB performance Deltas of Stats and Events over 15 and 60 seconds Max, min, avg., standard deviation over 30 min 10 minutes for File IO 30 minutes for SQL – metric values are constantly increasing in x$ until 30 minute snapshot when it is externalized into dba_hist_sqlstat
AWR - Metrics New Views –v$sysmetric …. not a 1 to 1 map of v$sysstat, there are some new values – v$sessmetric –v$metricname –v$filemetric, v$waitclassmetric, v$eventmetric, …… 10G Supports metrics for –System –Session –File –Wait-event statistics –The wait event model - steadily gaining ground as a good tuning tool –At any given moment an Oracle process is either busy servicing a request or waiting for something to happen
Wait Event Enhancements Formed new wait events classes … before too many individual events –Changes to v$event_name - CLASS# and CLASS columns are added. These columns help to group related events while analyzing the wait issues. –Example - list the events related to IO, Understanding the overall health of the database. New columns in the v$session and v$session_wait views that track the resources sessions are waiting for. Histograms of wait durations –Assist in determining whether a wait event is a frequent problem that needs addressing or a unique event.
New Views v$system_wait_class – the instance-wide time totals for the number of waits and the time spent in each class of wait events. Understanding the overall health of the database v$session_wait_class - the number of waits and the time spent in each class of wait event on a per session basis. v$event_histogram – a histogram of the number of waits, the maximum wait, and total wait time on a per-child cursor basis. v$file_histogram – a histogram of all single block reads on a per- file basis. Determine if the bottleneck is a regular or a unique problem. v$temp_histogram – a histogram of all single block reads on a per- tempfile basis. v$session_wait_history – This view displays the last 10 wait events for each active session.
Wait Classes Overview Administrative (39) –switch logfile –rebuild index Application (11) –enqueues –sqlnet break/reset Cluster (113) Commit (1) –Log file Sync Concurrency (12) –Latches: cbc, lbc, –Lib cache locks –Buffer busy wait Configuration (20) log file size Enqueues: ST, HW, ITL Latch: redo copy,shared pool Idle (56) Network (25) System I/O (19) Scheduler (6) User I/O (12) Other (485)
AWR and STATISTICS Oracle10g to be either robust or simple You can control the set of statistics to capture by using STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter. If STATISTICS_LEVEL is set to: BASIC : The computation of AWR statistics and all self-tuning capabilities are turned off. TYPICAL : Only part of the statistics are collected. They represent what is typically needed to monitor the Oracle server behavior. DEFAULT. ALL : All possible statistics are captured.
AWR Limitations Only for 10G Each DB has its own AWR repository Cannot provide cross instance analysis Overhead on production box PL/SQL interface – cannot communicate if box is down STATSPACK cannot be migrated into 10G User cannot modify AWR Schema
Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor Performance Diagnostics within DB Not a monitor – perform analysis – an Advisor Analyzes the AWR data, much the same as a human DBA would analyze a STATSPACK report Utilizes AWR and publishes report - every hour Identify problems - ADDM searches for lock- and-latch contention, file I/O bottlenecks and SGA shortages, etc… Proposes solutions – relies on Advisor for solution
ADDM Where is the time spent? What did DB do? Elimination method – where is NOT your problem – TREE Structure Uses a tree structure to represent all possible tuning issues The tree is based on the new wait and time model statistics Root of this tree represents the symptoms, and going down to the leaves If time-based threshold is not exceeded for a particular node, ADDM prunes the corresponding sub-tree
Limitation of ADDM Same limitation as AWR – only for 10G Works of a set of rules and these are not external of DB. Based out of fixed thresholds. Depends on ASH for analysis
Advisory Framework Advisors are server components - provide useful feedback about resource utilization and performance Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) = An advisor for the database instance ADDM can call –SQL Tuning Advisor - tuning advice for a SQL statement –SQL Access Advisor - determines optimal ways to access data –Space Advisor Segment Advisor: Responsible for space issues regarding a database object. It analyzes the growth trends. Undo Advisor: Suggests parameter values and the amount of additional space that is needed to support flashback for a specified time
Advisory Framework –Memory Advisor – MMAN PGA Advisor: recommends optimal usage of PGA memory based on your workload. SGA Advisor: tuning and recommending SGA size depending on pattern of access for the various components within the SGA: Buffer Cache Advisor: Predicts cache hit rates for buffer access for different sizes of the buffer cache. Library Cache Advisor: Predicts the cursor cache hit rate for the library cache for different sizes. AWR = Common Data Source
10G Server Generated Alerts Threshold and non-threshold alerts –Tablespace full –Snap-shot too old, Recovery Area Low On Free Space, Resumable Session Suspended Notification by page/ /PDA Push not pull for efficiency – Advanced Queue Server pushes alerts Predefined persistent queue ALERT_QUE owned by SYS Alerts persist to AWR, review historically purged according to Workload Repository snapshot purging policy
10G Server Generated Alerts –Most Oracle server-generated alerts are configured by setting two threshold values on database metrics: Warning threshold – 85% Critical threshold – 97% Only space-related alerts have thresholds defined by default – Tablespace Space usage –There are 161 metrics for which you can define thresholds
Server Alerts Limitations Concept great – implementation has a lot to be desired Only 4 alerts out of the box Rest needs to be set up by user Avoid false peaks – need to set # of occurrences. This is very difficult in production- How long should I wait?