By Sameer Allan Alawnah Salman Jamil Shtayeh
Replacement for Relay-Based Analog Controlling System Become New type of controlling system ( digital ) Add a lot of things that does not exist in Analog Controlling System Counters Timers Arithmetic Operations
Microprocessors with integrated memory and peripherals Very powerful controlling devices Programmed by assembly, C and basic programming languages. Relatively cheap Relatively complex to program
Program PIC in PLC Fashion (Ladder Diagram) Combine the advantages of PLC ( ease of programming ) and the advantages of PIC ( low cost ) Typical PLC with 8 inputs and 8 outputs may cost from $100 to $200 but with our project you can have 16 input and 16 output for less than $50
Compiler Two Major Parts ◦ Kernel Parser Code Generator ◦ Designer GUI for the Compiler
GUI for the Compiler ( input is Ladder Diagram) The Output of it is the Acyclic Directed Graph Representation of the Drawn Circuit Very Complex and Time Consuming.
Left Line is the Power Line Last Node from the Right is the Output Sequential Nodes AND Operation Branching Nodes OR Operation Execution From UP-Down Right-Left Output Node must be the last Node Output Counter Timer etc …
The Most Important part in the Project Parser take the ADG from Designer and Build the Parse Tree Code Generator will Generate Assembly from Parse Tree