INFECTIOUS DISEASE Diseases caused and transmitted from person to person, by microorganisms or their toxins. Also called communicable or contagious diseases.
What do you think? ■A hospital is a place where people can easily pick up infectious diseases. –TRUE ■Antibiotics are among the few medicines that are effective against viruses. –FALSE. Antibiotics are useful against bacteria, not viruses. ■Fevers are dangerous, especially when people have infections. –FALSE. Fevers are part of the body’s defense against infection, and low fevers are not dangerous.
Microorganisms Bacteria ■Single celled organism. ■Grows/multiple in warm dark, moist environments. ■EX: –Tetanus –Tuberculosis –Lyme Disease Viruses ■Not a cell, genetic material that can invade living cells – even bacteria. ■EX: –Influenza –Chicken Pox –Shingles –Pneumonia –Polio –Measles –Mumps ■Pg. 404, Figure 15.4
Types of Bacterial Diseases ■Tetanus – toxin produced by bacteria within a wound. –Vaccine provided. ■Tuberculosis – bacterial infection of the lungs. ■Lyme Disease – bacterial infection spread by tiny deer ticks.
Other Pathogens that cause a variety of diseases. ■Fungi ( yeast or molds) –Athletes foot ■Protozoa ■Parasites ■Worms –Head lice
Mononucleosis “The kissing disease” ■Viral infection that resembles an upper respiratory infection. –Spread through saliva ■Symptoms – severe sore throat, fever, swollen glands, enlarged spleen, and infected liver. ■After full recovery, mono will not strike the same person again.
The Body’s Defenses ■First line of DEFENSE: –Skin – produces salty, acidic sweat, which repels pathogens. It also have one-way pores that let toxins out, but won’t let pathogens in. –Membranes – Mucus and chemicals.
Body’s Defenses continued ■Second line of DEFENSE: –Immune system – help fight infection. ■Lymphocytes – white blood cells that are active in immunity. –T-cells – recognize the invader that cause illness. –B-cells – make antibodies ■Antibodies – produced to fight invaders. –Antigens – invaders/foreign substances in the body, such as viruses or bacteria, that stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies.
Demonstration Antigen “ foreign invader” / FLU T-cell “recognizes invader” and sounds an ALARM! B-cells arrive and record shape of invaders. Then make antibodies. Antibodies made so invader is remembered and can be destroyed right away.
HIV/AIDS Antigen “ foreign invader” / HIV T-cell “HIV hides inside cell, which remains safely away from immune system” HIV multiplies as FAKE T-cells & invades more T- cells. After months or years, the infection begins to destroy immune system. All T-cells are being destroyed.
Another way to FIGHT ■Swelling of lymph nodes ■Fever –Cold viruses thrive and multiply at temperatures between degrees, but die off at higher temperatures. –Activates immune system.
Food Infection/Poisoning ■Salmonella – food borne pathogen causing digestive system infections. ■Botulin Toxin – poison produced by bacteria in sealed cans, plastic packs, or jars or food. ■E.coli – toxin producing bacteria that can cause food-borne illness. –Diarrhea, severe cramps, dehydration, and kidney damage.
Preventing Food-borne illness. ■Clean –Hands –Wash cooking items in HOT water. ■Separate –Utensils to prepare different types of food. –Raw vs. cooked food. ■Cook –Meat & Seafood – 145 degrees –Ground meat – 160 degrees ■Chill –Do not eat cold dishes that have been in room temperature for 2 hours or more – or 1 hour in hot weather.