Spatial Databases: Lecture 2 DT249-4 DT228-4 Semester Pat Browne
Outline Based on Chapter 2 of Spatial Databases: With Application to GIS by Philippe Rigaux, Michel Scholl, and Agnès Voisard We look briefly at conceptual models but focus on logical models that represent spatial objects. The logical models covered are Basic vector for objects Spaghetti, network and topological
Definitions Conceptual Modelling is independent of implementation. Consists of representations of objects and their relationships. Can be represented using Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) or the Unified Modelling Language (UML). Example: the object Dublin of the class city is the capital of the Republic of Ireland which is of the class country. Later in the course will use Protégé to study conceptual models.
Definitions: Conceptual Model At the conceptual level, the focus is on the data types of the application, their relationships, and their constraints. The actual implementation details are left out at this step of the design process. Plain text combined with simple but consistent graphic notation is often used to express the conceptual data model.
Definitions: Conceptual Model The Entity Relationship (ER) model is one of the most widely used conceptual design tools, but it has long been recognized that it is difficult to capture spatial semantics with ER diagrams. The first difficulty lies with geometric attributes, which are complex, and the second difficulty lies with spatial relationships. Several researchers have proposed extensions to the existing modelling languages to support spatial data modelling. The pictogram-enhanced ER (PEER) model
Definitions: Conceptual Model
Definitions In graph theory, a planar graph 1 is a graph that can be drawn so that no edges intersect (or that can be embedded) in the plane. A nonplanar graph cannot be drawn in the plane without edge intersections.
Definitions(*) A theme can be represented as a class in Object Orientation (OO) or a relation (or table) in database theory. A theme has a class and instances. Examples: rivers, cities, counties. Themes can be combined to produce a map. The map usually focuses on the themes and locations of interest for a given application.
Definitions(*) A theme is a collection of geographic objects. A geographic object which corresponds to a real world object has two components: A description, attributes A spatial component, geometry We are interested in the software representation of geographic objects which can be represented at various levels of abstraction (e.g. reality- concept-code).
Notation Tuple [] : ordered object different types List <> : ordered objects of the same type Sets {} : unordered objects of same type. Or | : may have alternative composition or definition.
Definitions(*) Atomic geographic object: e.g. county Complex geographic object: e.g. province which consists of counties, forming a spatial hierarchy. Theme = {geographic-object} Geographic-object = { | { | } }
A geographic object © Worboys and Duckham (2004) GIS: A Computing Perspective, Second Edition, CRC Press
Definitions A theme is a set of homogeneous geographic objects, which have the same structure and type. A theme is a particular abstraction of space with a single ‘type’ of object in mind. Examples include rivers, road, & cities, where each theme could have its own schema in a relation system, or its own class in an object oriented system. For example, we could have a city table or class consisting of name, population, & geometry.
Definitions A theme is represented in the GIS logical model, which is also known as a geographical model. A spatial data model represents the geometry and topology of spatial objects. It represents concepts (themes and schemas) which are realised as instances (object level). Instances (extension) should satisfy the spatial theory (intension). “GIS software is an implementation of formal theories of geographic space” [Bittner and Frank] 1. An implementation can be considered as a model of a theory.
Representations of spatial objects Logical Models To model the spatial component of a geographic objects we need: geometric information (coordinates) topological information (connectedness 1 ) We will look at Euclidean Space 2, represented as coordinates in 2, called the embedding or search space. Object based models, entity or features. Field based models, tessellation. Half-plane representation Realms Generalized maps (n-GMAPs)
Geographic Space: Object Model A geographic object has: 1 ) Identity 2) description, a set of attributes 3) spatial component, coords+topology A spatial object represents a single conceptual object e.g. a house. Different user groups are interested in different spatial objects e.g. geologists, administrators. Each group are interested in different interpretations of space. They define an appropriate set of themes 1 that reflect their interpretation.
Geographic Space: Object Model Types of spatial object classified by dimension: 1 ) Zero-dimensional objects or points 2) One dimensional linear objects. 3) Two dimensional surface objects. Lets call this the object’s geometry. An object may have more than one geometry e.g. depending on scale a city could be represented by a point or polygon (the DBMS could hold both representations).
Geographic Space: 0-D objects We use zero-dimensional objects or points when we are primarily interested in representing location rather than shape.
Geographic Space: 1-D objects We use one-dimensional linear objects when we are primarily interested in representing networks or polygons with polylines. A polyline is a finite set of line segments (edges) such that the endpoints (vertex) is shared by exactly two segments except for the end points (extreme points) which belong to only one segment.
Geographic Space: 1-D objects A polyline may be closed if its two extreme points are identical. A simple polyline has no pairs of non- consecutive edges intersect at any point A polyline P may be monotone with respect to a line L if every line L’ orthogonal to L meets P at one point at most. The monotone property captures the intuitive idea of ‘simple shape’ and is important for query algorithms.
Extreme point vertex vertex Extreme point Polyline Geographic Space: 1-D objects Line segment Non-simple polyline Simple closed polyline
L P Monotone polyline Non-monotone polyline Geographic Space: 1-D objects
Geographic Space: 2-D objects Two dimensional (2-D) or surface objects are often used to represent land parcels, administrative regions. It is usually possible to compute are area for 2-d objects. 2-D objects have a boundary. A polygon is simple if its boundary is a simple polyline. A P polygon is convex if for any pair of points A, B in P the line segment is fully in P.
Convex Polygons Convexity is an important concept & will be used later in the course to study predicates and operations. Intuitively all points in a convex polygon are inter-visible and the inter-visibility relation is transitive. This is not the case for non-convex polygons.
Non-Convex Polygons A C B In a non-convex polygon inter-visibility is not transitive. A & B are visible from each other, B & C are visible from each other, but C is not visible from A.
Geographic Space: 2-D objects A P polygon is monotone if its boundary δP can be split into exactly two monotone polylines MC 1 and MC 2. The monotonicity is usually expressed with respect to the axis ( X and Y ) A 2-D object need not be connected, we can have a country that includes islands. A region is defined as a set of polygons.
Geographic Space: 2-D objects Simple polygon Non-simple polygon
Geographic Space: 2-D objects Convex polygon Monotone polygon with respect to the X axis
Geographic Space: 2-D objects Polygon with hole Region or set of polygons
Choice of geometry The choice 0,1, or 2-D objects depends on the application. An airport could be viewed as a set polygons by a passenger navigating between airport buildings, but as a vertex on a set of edges representing that passengers overall route. Do we need to store all possible representations? Can they be derived from each other?
Approximation of the world Linear and surface objects are defined in terms of line segments (or edges), which only approximate the real world object. The larger number of line segments the better the approximation is, there is often a trade-off between faithful approximation and an efficient representation.
Approximation of the world The true length of a geographic line is usually longer than the length of its stored polyline or polygon representation
Representation Modes We need to represent an infinite point set of continuous Euclidean Space with the finite discrete space of a computer. Tessellation Mode 1 : Approximates the continuous space by a discrete space e.g. raster maps represent a tessellation of the earths surface. Vector Mode: Constructing appropriate data structures, e.g. using coordinates to represent line segments.
Representation Modes For example, in tessellation mode a city is represented as a set of non-overlapping cells that cover the city’s interior. In vector mode the city is represented as a list of points describing the boundary polygon. Tessellation can be regular or irregular. We must distinguish between the tessellation of space and the ‘display’ of a map as raster image of an underlying vector data structure.
Tessellation can be regular or irregular Two irregular triangular tessellations based on the same vertex set. Various regular tessellations made up of one or more regular objects
Raster Map Most maps are displayed as raster even though the underlying representation is vector.
Vector Map The small rectangles represent the centers of suburban regions e.g. Castleknock
Approx. Objects in tessellation Mode The notation <> represents an ordered list. Each cell is represented on the list by a number counting from the top left. We will not cover tessellation mode which includes raster data
Notation Tuple [] : ordered object different types List <> : ordered objects of the same type Sets {} : unordered objects of same type. Or | : may be composed in more than one way. This may be interpreted as exclusive- or
Vector Mode There are many ways to represent spatial objects using the points, line segments, and polygons. We start with a simple representation and note its limitations.
Vector Mode: Simple Representation A polyline is represented by a list of points. for i for i<n, represents an edge A polygon is also a list of points with edge which ensures that the polygon is closed. A region is a set of polygons
Vector Mode: Simple Representation This simple representation can be denoted as follows point : [x:real, y:real] polyline: polyline: polygon: polygon: region: {polygon}
Vector Mode: Simple Representation Has 2n possible representations. Various constraints not enforced: No structural distinction between polyline and polygon. Hence programs must handle differences. No rules regarding convexity No rules for simple polygon No rules for regions, polygons can be adjacent, overlapping, or disconnected.
Vector Mode: Simple Representation [4,4] [2,2] [3,0] [0,2] [6,1] using coordinate notation
Vector Mode: Simple Representation 3 L1 = vertex notation L2 = 2 1 L1 L
Vector Mode: Simple Representation Definition of polyline does not cover a single vertex acting as endpoint for three edges, hence we represent L3 as a set of polylines L3 = {,,17,18,19>} L
10 Vector Mode: Simple Representation Region one consisting of adjacent P2 and P3 {, } P2 P3 P4 P
Vector Mode: Summary of Simple Representation Vector mode more compact than raster. There is a trade-off between the power of representation and the complexity of the structure used to represent spatial objects. The simple vector representation fails to represent and enforce constraints, which are necessary to ensure the correct semantics and integrity of the data.
Vector Mode: Summary of Simple Representation Given the simple representation there is no way to distinguish A simple polygon from a non-simple one A convex polygon from a non-convex polygon A polygon from a polyline A set of adjacent polygons from a set of disjoint intersecting polygons
Representing collections of objects. Logical Models Collections of spatial objects will have interesting spatial relationships. Topological relationships include adjacency, overlapping, distjointness, and inclusion. The explicit representation of such relationships provides more knowledge and increases the usefulness of the data.
Spaghetti Model (*) The simplest vector data model is the spaghetti model. It is a line for line translation of the paper map (see next slide). Only the basic connectivity is explicitly represented. A polygon is stored as a list of co-ordinates, shared boundaries of adjacent polygons being stored twice. Spatial relationships must be derived through computation. Unstructured geometry, presenting a visual representation of the geometric data, contains a minimum of information.
Spaghetti Model (*)
The Spaghetti Model can be denoted as follows point : [x:real, y:real] polyline: polyline: polygon: polygon: region: {polygon}
Spaghetti Model(*) Only basic connectivity. Boundaries represented twice. Lines may cross without explicit intersection. Has advantage of simplicity. Topology or connectivity must be computed each time that it is required. It is not stored in model.
Network Model(*) Designed to represent network for navigation and route planning. Based on the mathematics of Graph Theory. Topological relationships between points and polylines are stored.
The Network Model can be denoted as point : point : [x:real, y:real] node: node: [ point, ] arc: arc: [node-start,node-end, ] polygon: polygon: region: region: {polygon} Network Model
House Pump House Pump Meter Valve Hydrant Fitting Main Street Lateral Network Example: Water Facility Data Types Along with the Network Model there is much additional information. There are geographic objects.
Pump Meter Valve Hydrant Fitting Main Lateral Network Example: Water Facility Data Types Along with the Network Model there is much additional information. There are geographic objects.
Topological Model(*) Topological network induces planar subdivisions into adjacent polygons some of which are constructive and do not correspond to actual geographic objects. The triangles provide a uniformity of representation, they do not necessarily correspond to real world entities.
Topological Model can be denoted as point : point : [x:real, y:real] node: node: [ point, ] arc: arc: [node-start,node-end, left-ply, right-poly ] polygon: polygon: region: region: {polygon} Topological Model(*)
P1 P2 a b c d e f Polygon P1: Polygon P2: Arc f:[N1,N2,P1,P2,<>] Node N1:[[3,0], ] N1 [3,0] N2
Advantages: Geometry is shared not duplicated. Data model represents adjacent polygons, hence they do not have to be computed on demand. Facilitates consistent update, only one copy of boundary to update. Can facilitate networking and routing. Topological Model(*)
Disadvantages: More complex than Spaghetti model, may slow down processing. Some of the structural information may have no semantics in the real world. Addition of new objects requires the pre- computation of part of the planer graph. Topological Model(*)
Georelational data model of Arc/Info 1 The coordinate and attributive values are stored separately. The basic objects of the model are the geometric ones: the points, lines and polygons. The coordinates of each object with a unique identification number are stored in binary files. The attributive values and the description of topology are stored in RDBMS tables, originally in INFO tables. The records are linked to the geometry by the identification numbers.
Summary of Spatial Representation Two modes : tessellation and vector. Vector mode is the main focus of this course. Classifying objects by dimension, 0-D,1-D, 2-D. Modelling single spatial objects: Simple vector representation of single objects. Modelling Collections of objects Spaghetti Model for collection of objects Network model for connected networks Topological model includes polygon adjacency and shared geometry. We must distinguish between topology and geometry.
Summary of Spatial Representation Two modes : tessellation and vector. Vector mode is the main focus of this course. Classifying objects by dimension, 0-D,1-D, 2-D. Modelling single spatial objects: Simple vector representation of single objects. Modelling Collections of objects Spaghetti Model for collection of objects Network model for connected networks Topological model includes polygon adjacency and shared geometry.