Simulation of mixed-mode using spring networks Jan Eliáš Institute of Structural Mechanics Faculty of Civil Engineering Brno University of Technology Czech Republic
Modes definition according to LEFM
Lattice, spring network regular geometry => strong mesh dependency irregular geometry => problems with representation of homogenous material
Rigid-body-spring network rigid cells interconnected by normal and shear spring all springs are ideally brittle
Aggregates generated according Fuller curve three material phases are distinguished
Tensile test simulated by strut lattice discrepancy between experiment and simulation probably caused by incorrect measuring of displacements
Mixed-mode simulation correct crack pattern only with rigid-body-spring network simple strut latticerigid-body-spring network
Comparison with FEM software Atena crack pattern l-d curve
Comparison of stresses notice that comparison is between principal stresses and normal stresses and not at exact same point of l-d curve
Elastically uniform lattice rel,max rel,min rel,max max [rad] Voronoi tesselation e e-018 Centroid tesselation e e-005 Voronoi tessellationcentre of gravity tessellation
Tessellation of domain 1 input is the set of nodes and virtual specimen borders
Tessellation of domain 2 Delaunay triangulation including mirrored nodes
Tessellation of domain 3 Voronoi tessellation to ensure elastically uniform lattice = connected centres of escribed circles
Tessellation of domain 4 input is the set of circles and virtual specimen borders
Tessellation of domain 5 modified Delaunay triangulation – control circle tangents three input circles
Tessellation of domain 6 connect centres of control circles
Conclusions lattice models are able to simulate a fracture process relationship between overall properties and beam properties is not clear modified Voronoi tessellation of domain has been suggested