This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Tuesday 26 July 2011 Stakeholder Engagement Module Teaching Sustainability in Printing
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program An Overview of the Workshop It’s all about Sustainability What is stakeholder relationship management? Identifying our stakeholders Prioritising stakeholders Engaging stakeholders Case Studies
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Sustainability Explained Through Animation
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Do our Stakeholders Care About Sustainability? 60% of consumers admire companies that appear to be taking action on the environment 50% of companies will deselect suppliers for not meeting sustainability criteria 90% of investors said that environmental and social governance factors would have an impact on the value of the company 91% of people believe that working for a good company serves as an extension of their personal branding as an ethical person 94% of CR executives say they are working to green their supply chain 37% of employees see their company’s commitment to sustainability as a PR exercise, nothing more Ethical Corporation 2008
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Our Green Messages Environmental claims can be a powerful marketing tool and companies are increasingly using them in an attempt to differentiate themselves and their products from the competition and engage their stakeholders. Many consumers consider environmental claims as a major factor when evaluating products and services to purchase. But….what do environmentally friendly, reduced footprint, green, carbon neutral, natural, sustainable, renewable and socially responsible really mean?
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Using Environmental Marketing in the Right Way ACCC “Green Marketing and the Trade Practices Act” 2008 – published to educate business about their obligations under the Act Generally environmental claims should be: accurate able to be substantiated specific, not unqualified and/or general statements in plain language made for a real benefit
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program “Consumers are keen to embrace accredited green products, relying on the environmental benefits claimed to be associated with them. It is imperative that the basis for the claimed benefits be clear and accurate. The ACCC stands ready to take strong enforcement action when green advertisements fall short of this mark.” Graeme Samuel, Chairman ACCC
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program The Green Credibility Checklist – Total Environment Centre The 5 Key Questions You Need to Answer: 1.MOTIVE: Why are we making this green claim or taking a corporate position on environment or sustainability 2.KNOWLEDGE: Are we adequately informed or skilled up to understand relevant environmental issues before making claims? 3.TRUTH: Telling the truth is obviously vital, as is clarity, but are you using the truth in the right way? 4.MATERIALITY: Building on truth, is what we’re claiming material, i.e. does it really matter, or is it inconsequential? 5.SUBSTANTIATION: Is whatever is being claimed and whoever is making the claims backed up by firm evidence? Total Environment Centre, Green Capital Program
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Environmental Certification Programs for Printers FSC PEFC Sustainable Green Print Carbon Neutral Environmentally Responsible Publisher ISO Others?
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Activity 1 Your trainer will provide you with a number of marketing messages from different print companies In small groups, review the messages and evaluate them (as best you can) against the five criteria included in the Green Credibility Checklist: motive, knowledge, truth, materiality, substantiation Present your finings to the whole group
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Stakeholder Relationship Management Your business is an integral part of the society in which you operate You rely on a multitude of relationships with customers, employees, suppliers, communities, investors and others…your stakeholders Stakeholder relationship management is made up of the formal and informal ways of staying connected to the parties who have an actual or potential interest in or effect on your business Truly global companies must foster good relations, not only with their customers and the communities in which they operate, but also with nations and the environment. Canon Australia Website 2011
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Why does it matter? What happens when we don’t effectively manage our stakeholder relationships? Customers see the company as unresponsive to their needs Employees feel unappreciated Suppliers trust the company less Communities “dig in their heels” Investors get nervous Benefits of effective stakeholder relationship management? Building social capital Reducing risk Fuelling innovation
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Stakeholder Relationship Management
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Stakeholder Relationship Management - Framework
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Stakeholders – Primary and Secondary
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Definitions – Primary and Secondary Stakeholders Primary Stakeholders are those directly affected by your business and policies, either positively or negatively and generally have an influence over your business Secondary Stakeholders may be indirectly affected by your business, and have less direct interest or influence on your business, policies and projects This definition of stakeholders includes those affected positively or negatively, and those involved or excluded from decision-making processes Key stakeholders are those who can significantly influence, or are important to the success of your business and/or your sustainability efforts
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Stakeholders Map – Primary and Secondary
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Identify Stakeholders – Mind Mapping The first part of identifying your stakeholders involves brainstorming who they are. Think of all the people who are affected by your organisation, who have influence or power over it, or who have an interest in it.
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Stakeholder Mind Map - Activity 2 Mind-map all your potential stakeholders Consider Primary and secondary stakeholders
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program their influence on your performance or on other stakeholders your impact or potential impact on them geographical proximity their dependence on your business statutory or other responsibilities any existing formal representation they may have on your business’s board or other committees or working parties their relevance to your strategic intent the potential for creating or enhancing shared value What factors will you consider when prioritising or rating your stakeholders?
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Stakeholder Engagement Model
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Understand Your Stakeholders You now need to know more about your key stakeholders – how are they likely to feel about and react to your messages? Key questions that can help you to understand your stakeholders are: What financial or emotional interest do they have in your organisation? What are their issues or concerns? What motivates or inspires them most of all? What information (the what and the why) do they want from you? How do they want to receive information from you – what is the best way of communicating your message to them? What is their level of commitment or resistance?
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Engagement implies understanding their views and taking them into consideration, being accountable to them, and using information gleaned from them to drive innovation Stakeholder engagement spans a continuum of interaction that reflects the degree of influence stakeholders have in decision making Information sharing – consultation – involvement – collaboration - empowerment Engage Your Stakeholders
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Communicating with Stakeholders Victorian Department of Sustainability & Environment Effective Engagement Toolkit
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Developing a Stakeholder Engagement Plan When developing your engagement plan, you will need to consider: which stakeholders to engage the engagement type that will work best for each stakeholder the tool or activity you plan to use the resources required who will be responsible timeframes
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Case Studies from the Print Sector
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Case Studies from the Print Sector Add here
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Case Studies from the Print Sector Add here
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Stakeholder Relationship Management
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Assessment Task 11 – Prioritise your Stakeholders Review your list of stakeholders developed during the class activity Consider which factors are important for you to evaluate your stakeholders against On the handout provided, list all your stakeholders along the Y axis and your “factors” along the X axis. Rank each factor using a numerical scale for each stakeholder group: 0 = no relevance to 3 = high relevance Identify your top stakeholders and focus on these first Identify strategies or ideas to engage these stakeholders on sustainability
This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program Assessment Task 12 Research Certification Programs Students are to research at least four environmental certification programs relevant to the print industry Students are to briefly describe each program and identify the advantages and disadvantages of each