Defra’s Research in Sustainable Agriculture Dr Sue Popple
Vision for farming 2020 A profitable and competitive farming industry, that takes on the challenge of climate change and is a positive net contributor to the environment. As an industry it should: be profitable in the marketplace, continuing to produce the majority of the food we consume make a positive net environmental contribution, notably in respect of climate change, but also more widely manage the landscape and the natural assets that underlie it
Defra’s sustainable agriculture research programmes 1.Agriculture and Climate Change 2.Water Quality and Use 3.Food Chain Meeting Consumer Needs 4.Sustainable Farming Systems and Biodiversity 5.Plant Health
Agriculture and Climate Change Inventories of emissions of pollution gases from agriculture to air Mitigation of nitrogen and carbon emissions Climate change and adaptation in agriculture Energy in agriculture and food Bioenergy Renewable Materials
Current research includes, Biogas production in the UK Vulnerability to extreme events Life Cycle Analysis of options for bioenergy production Calculating GHG emissions from agriculture
Water Quality and Water Use Minimising the adverse impacts of UK agriculture on water quality Optimising water use by UK agriculture and food production industries
Current research includes, Farm based filters for air and water Cost curves for multiple diffuse pollutants Tools for influencing behaviour of farmers and land mangers
Food Chain Meeting Consumer Needs Efficient food manufacturing and distribution Waste reduction and recycling in the food chain Quality foods meeting the consumer needs
Current research includes, Pathogenic fungi in cereal crops Exploiting brewing co-products Resilience of businesses in the food chain
Sustainable Farming Systems and Biodiversity Organic Farming Integrated farming systems – a more holistic approach
Current research includes, Field-scale impacts on biodiversity from New Crops Managing uncropped land to enhance biodiversity Developing a fertiliser recommendation system
Plant Health Exclusion of quarantine pests and diseases Eradication and containment of plant pests and diseases Trade facilitation Development of optimum policy
Current research includes, Novel diagnostic techniques for the detection of pests and diseases Detection and monitoring of quarantine whitefly transmitted viruses in protected vegetable crops Management of plant health risks associated with processing of plant-based wastes
The future - Generic changes in our needs Increasing need for: Social and opinion research Multi-disciplinary (natural + social) analysis and assessment Evaluation of issues and solutions Interpretation and advice from research providers Collaboration
The Strategy Arrow Established in letter to the PM ONE PLANET LIVING Avoiding dangerous climate change Maintaining & enhancing the natural asset base Licence to Operate High Impact Policies High Level Goals Mission Energy Water availability and quality Food and farming Waste (re-use, recycling, composting, energy from waste) Land use Marine environment Emergency preparedness – animal diseases, floods Animal health and welfare CAP administration For example…