Starters Fall 2015
Starter #1 – 8/13/15 1.) What is the web address for the class website? 2.) If you miss a test or exam, when must you make it up? 3.) What is the grading scale for this class? How much are exams, labs, etc. worth? Homework, daily work, etc?
Starter #2 – 8/14/15 1.) Have _____ school days upon your return to makeup any missed assignments. 2.) What is the first unit/chapter we cover in this class? 3.) How many restroom passes will you have each 9 weeks?
Starter #3 – 8/17/15 1.) What is science? 2.) What is technology? 3.) Name the five (5) steps to the scientific method.
Starter #4 – 8/18/15 1.) Name the three major branches of Science. 2.) If you are conducting an experiment and your hypothesis is proven wrong, what must you do? 3.) What is a scientific model?
Starter #5 – 8/19/15 1.) What is scientific notation? 2.) What does SI stand for? 3.) What is the difference between precision and accuracy?
Starter #6 – 8/20/15 You will need to get a new starter sheet from up front since you turned yours in yesterday. Convert the following numbers in to scientific notation. – 1.) 1,240,000,000 – 2.) – 3.)169,000
Starter #7 – 8/21/15 1.) What is a theory? 2.) How are science and technology related? 3.) 18,500,000 g = ________________kg
Starter #8 – 8/24/15 1.) 4589 m = ______________km 2.) cg = ______________dkg 3.) mL = ______________hL
Starter #9 – 8/25/15 1.) What is a hypothesis? 2.) In the scientific method, what do you do if your hypothesis is proven incorrect? 3.) When is the Chapter 1 Post-Test?
Starter #10 – 8/26/15 1.) What is precision? 2.) What are bar graphs used for? 3.) What are line graphs used for?
Starter #11 – 8/27/15 1.) What is the goal of the scientific method? 2.) Suppose you’re performing an experiment and your results do not support your hypothesis. What is your next step? 3.) What are the three basic units of the metric system?
Starter #12 – 8/28/15 1.) Why is it important for scientists to communicate their results? 2.) What type of graph would be used to compare different numbers? 3.) What type of graph would be used to show change over time or progression? 4.) What type of graph would be used to show how a relates to the whole?
Starter #13 – 8/31/15 1.) How does the scientific process start and end? 2.) Why is scientific notation useful? 3.) What are the three branches of natural science?
Starter #14 – 9/1/15 1.) In your own words, give a definition for matter. 2.) Name 5 things in this room that would be considered matter.
Starter #15 – 9/2/15 1.) What is a pure substance? 2.) How is an element different from a compound? 3.) What is a mixture?
Starter #16 – 9/3/15 1.) What is the difference between a mixture and a substance? 2.) What is the difference between a heterogeneous mixture and a homogeneous mixture? 3.) Give two (2) examples of a solution.
Starter #17 – 9/4/15 1.) 1.) What is a physical property? 2.) Name the seven (7) physical properties you looked at in section 2.
Starter #18 – 9/8/15 1.) What is density? 2.) How do you calculate density? 3.) How do you know if an object will float or sink in water based off the density?
Starter #19 – 9/9/15 1.) Give an explanation for why one floats and the other sinks.
Starter #20 – 9/10/15 1.) What is the difference between a physical and chemical change? 2.) Name the three ways to identify a chemical change.
Starter #21 – 9/11/15 1.) Define malleability. 2.) How would you compare the hardness of two objects? 3.) What does it mean for a liquid to have a high viscosity?
Starter #22 – 9/14/15 1.) What is the difference between filtering and distillation? 2.) Why would you use either of these processes?
Starter #23 – 9/15/15 1.) What is a physical property? 2.) Name the seven (7) physical properties you looked at in section 2.
Starter #24 – 9/16/15 1.) What is an atom? 2.) What are some things that are made up of atoms? 3.) Has anyone ever physically seen an atom?
Starter #25 – 9/21/15 Draw an atom and label where the following would be located… – Nucleus – Proton – Neutron – Electron
Starter #26 – 9/23/15 Atomic Structure PartCharge Type Nucleus1.) 2.)Positive 3.)Negative Neutron4.)
Starter #27 – 9/24/15 Draw the Bohr model for the following elements… 1.) Chlorine 2.) Boron
Starter #28 – 9/25/15 1.) How do you calculate protons? 2.) How do you calculate electrons? 3.) How do you calculate neutrons?
Starter #29 – 9/28/15 1.) What is an energy level? 2.) What is the maximum number electrons for the first energy level? 3.) On the second energy level? 4.) Third? 5.) Fourth?
Starter #30 – 9/29/15 For the element Chlorine (Cl)… 1.) How many protons would one atom have? 2.) Electrons? 3.) Neutrons? 4.) Draw the Bohr Model for one atom.
Starter #31 – 9/30/15 For the element Magnesium (Mg)… 1.) How many protons would one atom have? 2.) Electrons? 3.) Neutrons? 4.) Draw the Bohr Model for one atom.
Starter #32 – 10/1/15 1.) When is the Chapter 4 Post-Test? 2.) When is you element website project due? 3.) What days are we going to the lab to work on it?
Starter #33 – 10/12/15 Draw an atom and label where the nucleus, protons, neutrons, and electrons would be.
Starter #34 – 10/13/15 1.) Who is credited with creating the first periodic table? 2.) What card game did he model it after? 3.) What did he do with the blank spaces in his periodic table?
Starter #35 – 10/14/15 1.) What are the three classes of elements found on the periodic table? 2.) What is the difference between a metal and a nonmetal? 3.) At what temperatures do metalloids conduct electricity best?
Starter #36 – 10/15/15 1.) What is a valence electron? 2.) How many valence electrons do Alkaline Earth Metals have? 3.) How many do Carbon Family members have? 4.) Noble Gases?