LSU Student Farm Project Project Team: Ross Berry, Matt Wyatt, and Alicia Thomas
Goals and Objectives Establish Student Farm at LSU -Model of sustainable agriculture -Educational / Research opportunities -Sustainable agriculture curricula -Farm Internships -Research opportunities - Provide fresh produce to LSU & Baton Rouge communities -Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) -LSU Dining Cooperation
Model of Sustainable Agriculture Hoop house greenhouses - year-round crop production Composting -Source of compostable material for LSU composting program -benefit from recycling of farm waste Integrated Pest Management Organic farming - Opportunity to learn about organic farming practices on a farm scale
Educational Opportunities Sustainable Agriculture Curricula – could serve as a resource for curricula for many departments and colleges Sustainable Agriculture Internships – would provide first hand experience of operating a farm for students Research - Would allow the opportunity for students to conduct research on sustainable agriculture.
Provide Fresh Produce Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) -Sustainable system of agriculture in which the customer buys shares of the CSA and then receives fresh produce weekly -Could provide income to cover the operating cost of farm LSU Dining Cooperation? - Several high school cafeterias operated by Chartwells buy and use produce grown in school farms
Other Possibilities Decorative crops -Cut flowers -Seasonal decorative crops Value Added Products -Canned fruits -Jellies and Jams Aquaponics - Sustainable ecosystem that provides produce, fish, and could use by-products of raising poultry for fertilizer
Examples of other Universities Michigan State University -Operates 60 share CSA that provides $108,000/year income -3.5 acres of land devoted to CSA crop production University of California at Davis -Successful CSA driven student farm operating since 1977 Ohio State University -Community outreach through educational YouTube series -Provides several farmers markets with produce
Future Activities Student Organization Involvement – A student organization is needed to manage the farm Submit Proposals and Look for Funding -Establishment cost is approximetly $100,000 Site Selection -Seek approval to use 5-10 acres of university land on Ben Hur Road. -Analyze and prepare farm site
Timeline Submit Proposals for funding - Use current proposal as template and submit grant proposals Seek Approval to use University Land on Ben Hur Road -Average size of student farms at other universities is 5-10 acres. Approximately 3.5 acres would be needed to support CSA program. Site analysis and Preparation Farm construction -irrigation system installation -Greenhouse and building construction. Create CSA Program
Publicity and Student Involvement Facebook Group -Way to reach other LSU students and provide information about student farm activities LSU Sustainability Website Wordpress Page -Can serve as place to share information and news with students -information that can be displayed on facebook page is limited
Proposal +Proposal+final.docx Will be used as a template for requesting grants and funding to establish student farm
Questions Questions? Suggestions?