Androscoggin Information Welcome Parents!
Introductions Mrs. Cribby- Math Teacher Mrs. Mauck- BILD Teacher Mrs. Singleton- Language Arts Teacher Mrs. Netko- Science Teacher Mr. Beede- Social Studies Ms. Roberts- Advanced Math Teacher Mr. Hawley- Consulting Resource Teacher
Science Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (how society is impacted) 7 th Grade Science focus: “The Living World” From molecules to organisms Ecosystems (Flow of Energy) Heredity Biological “Unity and Diversity” Hands on and Minds on Science Vocabulary –“language of science” Investigations (labs) Research related to topics above Hands on and student cooperation groups
Fundraisers There will be floor-wide fundraisers this year and possibly smaller team fundraisers. Last year, we participated in a Read-A- Thon and a Walk-A-Thon, Clynk Funds raised support field trips and celebrations.
Phones Phones do not ring through to our classrooms during the school day. Cell phones are not allowed during the school day and should be turned off and kept in the locker. Snow days - you will get a phone call from the district’s all-call system.
Androscoggin Wiki We have a team website where homework and lessons are posted daily. We also post announcements and upcoming events. We encourage parents to use the site and have made it the home page on the student laptops.
Math This year in a glance; Communication and Problem Solving Mistakes are good Assessments Customized Learning Homework/Classwork
Celebrations “High Fives” “Keepers of the Code”
Agenda Book or iCal Homework will be written in the agenda book or on the laptop in the iCal program Homework will be posted on the Androscoggin Wiki but is the responsibility of the student to know what they have in case a teacher is absent or did not get a chance to post it.
Eligibility Students who choose to be in extra curricula activities need to remain eligible to participate. Students be both passing all classes and have all work passed in The status is available each Thursday morning in IC.
After School Help Thursdays from 2:30-3:30. Students can take the late bus home at 4:30 or students can be picked up at 3:30. Prior arrangements must be made the Wednesday before the after school help session via phone call, , or note. Look for an invitation, or us to request this session
Language Arts Literary and Informational Reading Writing: Argument/Opinion, Information/Expository, Narrative Research Will be working on a few units with SS Frequent Assessments to check for progress Homework- Reading Bookmarks due Wednesdays
Communication - best way to contact us Absent- us or call office for work. Students should be checking the wiki to see what they missed.
Parent Portal Parents and students are encouraged to be checking the Parent Portal often. Check the MAMS webpage or the Androscoggin Wiki for access information. The computer lab can help with login credentials.
Target Time “Target” classes are for individualized instruction for all students with the focus in math and reading. SSR will happen four times a week. Band and Chorus happen 2 days a week for students in those programs.
Social Studies Civics: the structure and function of the US government, citizenship Civic Action: plan and participate in a civic action or service learning project (research, collaboration) Economics: basic principles of economics, examples in different regions of the world Geography: different regions of the world and how human and physical phenomena influence life in those regions (research, presentation)
Binders and Organization Each student has one binder for each class. Binders should be kept neat with no loose papers. All papers have a place to be. Frequently check with your child to make sure they have enough pencils. Students tend to leave clothes behind in classes.
Upcoming Events Conferences are the week of October 21 st. You will receive an or a paper to sign up. NWEA testing is Monday and Tuesday of next week. NECAPS are in October
After School Activities Drama Softball Soccer Cross Country Baseball Hockey Basketball Track iTeam Wrestling Guitar Club Student Council Bike Club And others...
Parent Volunteers Photocopying Bulletin Boards Let your child’s HR teacher know if you can help out.
Thank You! For coming tonight! For your wonderful children! For your continued support to make this a great school year for everyone!