Successful Grantsmanship Doug Podoll Director, International Education Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia
Why write a grant proposal? Bad Reasons (?) To get tenure or a promotion Because of peer pressure Because of pressure from your department chair To grow a large and impressive research group To become famous To become powerful inside and outside your department Because you think you are supposed to have (more) grants Better reasons (?) To allow you to do research that you find fascinating To solve a vexing intellectual puzzle To help humanity To get a salary (and feed your family) To benefit your students and colleagues To team with other faculty in your discipline or others
The shotgun or the rifle? At first there is a tendency to apply for every grant that one could conceivable get in hopes that one will not miss the chance of being funded This is desperation thinking, and poor strategy Focus on the best ideas you have and the projects that you are best suited to perform People will remember reviewing your unfundable proposals the next time they see your name Save time and effort by writing fewer proposals!
What to do in your proposal Read the RFP/RFA – Make a checklist – Give them what they want – Leave out nothing – Check and re-check – Graphics over words Don’t have a teammate—find one!
Budget Development Checklist October 2013 This checklist provides a University of Washington determination of allowability as a cost on a federal budget. In most cases, a cost would be deemed allowable if it is included in the budget and not specifically disallowed by the sponsor when the award is made. Users of this checklist must always take into consideration the terms and conditions of their particular award and the allowability of a particular cost in making the final determination about whether or not to include the cost in the budget. Researchers should also be aware that an auditor may not make the same interpretation about allowability as does the UW. Any cost deemed by an external auditor as unallowable must be reimbursed from the budget of a faculty member, department or school. Questions about allowability should be directed to Research Accounting & Analysis or the Office of Sponsored Programs.
Proposal Writing Guides Writing Guides Guide for Writing a Funding Proposal – Joseph Levine Developing Competitive Proposals – Grants Resource Center Proposal Writing Guide - UW Research Funding Service The Art of Grantsmanship – Human Frontier Science Program A Guide to Proposal Planning and Writing - (Miner & Miner) Guidance from Federal Sponsors Most Federal sponsors have some guidance for writing and submitting proposals for their consideration. Read these resources before preparing an application. Below are just a few.
Summary Read and follow the directions – Only some creativity Know who you are writing to Collaborate—find challenging teammates – ASEBUSS
Source University of Washington – Office of Sponsored Programs – Grantsmanship & Proposal Development Paul Yager, Professor and Chair of the Dept of Bioengineering, UW