CHAPTER 1 Looking at the Earth
34° 3' 8" N / 118° 14' 34" W coordinates of LA
Cylindrical Homolosine Map Projection Cont. Homolosine-shows accurate shapes and sizes of the landmasses, distances not correct
Robinson-shows entire earth, landmass near the poles look flat Map Projection Cont.
Physical map Political map
Thematic Qualitative map (colors symbols or lines to show patterns) Thematic Flow-line map Thematic Cartogram Based on data not land
Cartographers: Gather Data by Surveying What: elevation,vegi- tation & climate Tools How: Satellites: LAND SAT. & GOES GIS GPS Step 1 in making map theodolite
How much detail? Map Scale Ratio scale Ex:1:30,000,000 Bar scale Small Scale- Large area without a lot of detail Large Scale- show a small area with much more detail Step 2
Projections Planar/Azimuthal- give the shortest distance between two places. Very distorted Cylindrical-shows earth on map Conical-Used to show large area, shows shape accurately, but distorts landmass on edge Step 3 Mercator-shapes of the continents are distorted and compared near the equator Homolosine-shows accurate shapes and sizes of the landmasses, distances not correct Robinson-shows entire earth, landmass near the poles look flat
Type of Map Political-shows boundaries Theme-focus on specific type of information patterns, movement, data Physical-types of landforms & bodies of water Step 4
Name: Title (1 pt) Compass Rose (3 pts) Labels (3 pts) Legend (3 pts) Scale (4 pts) Symbols (3pts) Colors (3 pts) TOTAL: (20pts) Information You May Need: Classroom: 29’ x 29’ Counter: 2’ Student desk: 2’ x 3’ Information You May Need: Classroom: 29’ x 29’ Counter: 2’ Student desk: 2’ x 3’
Good Examples