TERRA AUSTRALIS … and the Christian Connection
No–one was sure that Australia existed, except the Aborigines who lived here. To many, the land to the South was the stuff of legend. By the fifteenth century seafaring adventurers were sent to see if there was a land that could bring wealth and fame. THE MYSTERIOUS LAND TO THE SOUTH
One such adventurer was Pedro Fernandez de Quiros who was born in Portugal. Pedro was brought up with a deep belief in God, he was full of idealism and missionary zeal. Pedro believed that he was chosen to find this mysterious Southland and to introduce the inhabitants to the one true God. PEDRO FERNANDO DE QUIROS
Pedro was fortunate enough to work many years for the King of Spain and eventually won the King’s and the Pope’s approval to make a voyage to search for the Southland. He sailed west from Callao, Peru, as others had done. A JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY
From now on, these islands and lands shall be called the Southern Land of the Holy Ghost CLAIMING THE LAND
But Pedro had landed on an island group near Vanuatu. When he realized his mistake, de Quiros wanted to press on and find the Southland that he was now certain of. His crew, however, were close to mutiny. They did not share his vision. De Quiros released his second-in-command, Louis Vaez de Torres, and others who wanted to go home. As Torres sailed to Mailla though the straits today named after him, he did not see any land to the south. SO CLOSE AND YET SO FAR
Regretfully de Quiros himself turned back to America, submitting to what he believed was the will of God. He spent the rest of his life trying to raise support to return. He died in 1656, still trying to fulfill the mission he believed God had given him. UNFULFILLED DREAM
The de Quiros’ vision of a land dedicated to the Holy Spirit is important to us today. It was Pedro Fernandez de Quiros who named what he thought was Australia, "Terra Australis del Espiritu Santo" and it gave us its spiritual significance. A NAME LINKED TO A HOPE