Indestructible Foundations: Choosing God Josh. 24:15
Reality The Universe is beyond man’s control. He did not make it. He cannot duplicate its origin. It is here. For every effect, there is a cause.
Historically, man has demonstrated an innate need to worship a god greater than himself.
Rom. 1:20-23 Nature teaches us that a supreme designer exists. It is reasonable. (vs. 23) Many, however, abandoned the true God and made their own. (vs.22-23)
Idolatry Egyptian Greek Roman German JEWSJEWS
Secular Humanism The god of Knowledge Man-centered
Evolutionary Theory Objections Random mutations generally cause harm to organisms and do not build complexity. Random and undirected processes do not seem capable of producing cellular complexity. The fossil record lacks “missing links.” Chemical origin of life remains an unsolved mystery.
The Faith of the Humanist Life does not come from non-life. – Cannot be observed, tested, measured or duplicated, yet is believed. = FAITH Every effect must have a cause. – Cannot observe, test, measure, or duplicate anything resembling a “Big Bang” = FAITH Matter cannot be created or destroyed only changed in form. – Cannot create anything like a super density unit = FAITH
The False “Evidence” The Miller-Urey Experiment to explain the origin of life. Ernst Haeckel’s 19 th century embryo drawings Peppered Moths studies to “prove” natural selection. “Darwin’s finches”
The Mystery Builder Earth is round. Prov. 8:27; Isa. 40:22 Earth is not supported. Job 26:7 Stars are innumerable. Jer. 33:22; Heb. 11:12 Ocean currents. Psm. 8:8 Life is in the blood. Lev. 17:11