J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ L2 Status James T. Linnemann MSU Collaboration Meeting September 14, 2001
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Who? l Now commissioning: Arizona, Columbia, Maryland, Michigan/CDF MSU, Munich, Nebraska, NIU, Oklahoma Saclay, Stony Brook, UIC, Virginia Fermilab ESE (Green, Kwarciany, Zmuda) l Coming Soon BU, Florida State, Orsay A lot of good, hardworking people are responsible for L2 progress.
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Infrastructure l Power, cooling, cabling all in place except Intra-crate cables Last run of muon cables being re-cut l Safety clearance for power in process l All cards needed built and on site except last 11 alphas being assembled this week
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ FIC: G-link receiver (all crates but muon) l FPGA code being tweaked Some vme problems remain ‚commissioning modes only; progress being made Extra data word in G-link? ‚Fix being tested FPGA compiler problems probably resolved ‚Distraction: “test” version used nonexistent resources Fermilab/ESE support for commissioning ‚Met this week with Saclay experts
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ MBT workhorse I/O card l 31 cards in hand (24 work; 16 at Fermi) 4 need diagnosis/repair; 3 dead; 11+6 needed Before install: stable SCL firmware ‚Estimate: September/October installation l firmware all written; being debugged (good turnaround) ‚Scl_init sequence; L1, L2 busy (easier) Multi-card broadcast: need testing at FNAL 128 bit fanoutneeds testing at FNAL with Edmunds: Oct Some marginal timing being chased Results write to Global: needs to be re-integrated ‚May need to tweak output amplitude Monitoring functions: need to test at FNAL
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Alpha l First Production: 4-6 fully work (7 max); 2 back soon; break/fix about 1/week ‚Most: multiple vias fixed and a BGA replaced 17+2 abandoned ‚Broken CIA BGA not replaceable (center of board; vias too fragile) PIO to Alpha not working (firmware)early October ‚concentrate on 1 Alpha/crate l Second Production: Pre-production boards work ‚DMA fixes incorporated in layout ‚Learned can successfully replace CIA BGA (better than unreliable socket!) ‚new supplier for raw boards, better assembly (failures diagnosed; site visits) 11 more being built now: earliest end September l Need 15 for nominal system (+7 for test stand)
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Beta replacement processor l Intel Compact PCI card 2-3 Alpha in CPU ‚First card received and being tested l Hold in 9u card with custom devices (3 BGA’s) Universe Chip VME interface commercial 64-bit PCI interface chip Mbus and other logic in FPGA l Good start on low-level software Prep for PCI device drivers l Schedule: (quote soon) Schematic done; starting layout Firmware specs written; starting Verilog coding soon Prototypes available for testing December Production: early summer
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ CIC and SFO l CIC (L2Mu input card) installed; inputs cabled l SFO (fanout): all but 2 at Fermi Needed by Muon system, and test stand Very useful for commissioning May have other uses during running All cards work in most important modes ‚For one mode, have to hand-select cards ‚ Only need 2 working in 1:12 fanout mode ‚ Investigating why only half do, but half of 25 is plenty
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ SLIC l Basic Operating System done l First algorithm tests (Mu Central) OK Meet speed and efficiency requirements Other algorithms ready for download ‚tested in emulator l Implementing monitoring scheme
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Miscellaneous Interface Hardware l 16 to 128 bit mux add-on to MBT (UMd) Returns L2 trigger mask to L2HWFW Sep/Oct l L1HWFW to L2 Global (via FIC) (MSU) Optical Split: L1 trigger mask Aug/Oct ‚dummy content: fixed + event ID l Monitoring of Alphas by L1 Scalers (MSU) Passive cable formatting card Oct
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Commissioning At Last L1SCL-MBT-Alpha-VBD-L3 milestone met One channel “data”, real frame software, in MCH ‚Need to verify format from SAM Muon system has seen real inputs-CIC-SLIC ‚L1format needs correction ‚Scintformat OK but L2&timing interfere: errors ‚MDTformat OK ‚PDTunformatted: October? l Current tests: SCL_INIT for MBT-Alpha (for permanent MCH running) Add 2 nd channel of data (FIC-MBT-Alpha-VBD-L3) real algorithms into SLIC; timingFwd Mu already Muon: 2 nd or 3 rd input: CIC-SLIC-MBT-Alpha-VBD-L3 One event pushed through STT prototype vertical slice ‚FRC, STC, TFC: CTT roads, SMT clusters, fit
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Arrival of L2 Inputs When inputs steadily available (subset, full) l L1 Trigger Mask to Global (August, October) l Cal(September?, November?) l Muon Trigger (L2 software not tested)(June, November) Detector(August,October?) l CTT,CPS(October,November) l FPS(November,December) l COOR programming September?
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Online Software ( & Risks ) l Alpha: Much of structural software exists in simulation ‚Control/data flow for preprocessor and global Loader and modified Linux kernel; Developing drivers in EBSDK (fast turnaround); check in Linux Draft drivers/setup for MBT and event loop ‚Some alpha firmware problems (PIO needed for A-W split) ‚SCL_INIT—in progress (complex) ‚VME driver, buffer allocation (OK) ‚Verify byte order etc to L3 Error logging and beginnings of monitoring: testing Linking, downloading to Worker;Linux 7.1 releases needed Admin/Worker control; data flow software ‚few Alphas, so concentrate on 1-alpha crate for now l SLIC: Basic operating system in place monitoring; algorithms need download; scl_init
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Online Software Plans Event data flow late Aug l Worker with filter code Sept Multi-alpha (as available)Oct/Nov ‚interrupts for speed as neededDec/Jan l Coor script downloading via TCC: Late Sept Till then, configure from hand-edited file ‚Online and in TSIM l Data Flow Monitoring testSept/Oct ‚Errorlogger to screen/S.E.S. Oct/Dec? l Global + PreprocessorOct-Nov FILTERING! (if have enough inputs…) l Verification: online vs. TSIM 1 st version running now; testing data capture Needs pretty good data to be usefulOct/Nov?
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Algorithms: in TSIM, downloadable; some L1SIM problems l MuL1; Central alpha, DSP working, ready to download output fmts need update Fwd DSP in CVS; next release (alpha already there) l CTTbase algorithm, tau working Tau tuning, slow movers waiting for postdoc hire when? l PS CPSrunning in TSIM; needs better L1 FPS written not released (no L1PS) when? l Cal all running in TSIM e = Run 1B L1.5 j merge needs work (interference with beta) MET= L1for now l Globalsome running in TSIM now e(cal,cps,track), j(cal); tracks; deta, dphi(e: fps-ready) Ht, Mass, MET; rsep coming Mu(with ctt), but no tau l Need Studies, Timing, Tuning! Lost 2 maintainers
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Summary l Commissioning is underway in earnest Some real inputs—need more to do physics ‚Mu, cal, ctt, cps is probable order Most hardware in hand ‚Remaining alphas soon, I hope Firmware written; commissioning it now ‚MBT, Alpha, FIC l Crucial scale-up tests in coming weeks ‚All hardware in crates ‚Multiple inputs ‚Algorithm downloads
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Board Summary: Dates, Risks l SLICJanuary 2001 Monitoring software l Crates/Power/CablesSeptember ORC; CIC crate l FICSeptember? Commission; FPGA code problems? l MBT September? FPGA code l Alphanow; September Fragility of 4-6 from 1 st production PIO firmware Fallback: Beta—next year l CIC,SFOAugust; September? Install/Commission l Crate population, intra-crate cablingSeptember/October
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Progress since Feb l Alpha cards for commissioning; start final production Fixed DMA; Beta started l FIC Fixed output signal; FPGA work resumed l MBT All firmware written/drivers (being debugged) Integration testing with Alpha at 2 sites multi-channel DMA, capture of SCL input info l CIC/SFO built l All power, most cabling l Software Drivers for all devices written (being tested) Most algorithms in TSIM l Real data sources in mu l data flow L1SCL to L3
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ How Many Alphas? 15 + test stand in
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Where do we put our Alphas? Staging; rotating tests; A+W Aug-Sept (5-10) l 1 Maryland l 2 Test Stand/UIC l 1-2 Global l 1-2 Mu/Cal (turns?) Oct-Nov (5 to20) l 2-4 Mu l 1-4 Cal l 1-2 Global l 2-5 CTT,PS l 1-2 Test stand l 1 Maryland/Va l 1-4 UIC/Test Stand
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ L2 Cards & Names build/ operate l FICG-link to Hotlink Renardy, Mur (Saclay) Buehler, Kostas, Heinmiller (UIC) Kwarciany (FNAL) l MBTHotlink, MBus, other I/O Giganti, Bard, Baden (Maryland) +Toole/ Schwienhorst l Alphamain processor (Campbell, Miller UM); Buehler,Heinmiller,Kostas, Varelas (UIC) Hirosky (UVa) Kwarciany/Zmuda (FNAL) l SLIC Processor Sippach, Evans (Nevis/Columbia) Kothari, Christos (CU); Maciel, Fortner,Uzunyan(NIU) Christiansen, Strohmer, Trefzger, Schaile (Munich) l CIC, SFO SMB to RJ45 Hotlink; Hotlink fanout Lewis, Snow (Nebraska)Tester: Johns (UAZ) Hansen, Baldin, (Anderson) FNAL Maciel, Kothari, Fortner l VBD; Bit3 L3, TCC Zeller, Cutts; Commercial Mattingly (Brown); Schwienhorst (MSU)
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Commissioning l Limiting factors: Stable, fully functional L2 Cards (ouch) ‚MBT’s with full functionality ‚FIC: lack of on-site expertise ‚ Lack of reliable system to modify firmware ‚Alpha: lack of firmware expertise on-site Manpower (trained—getting better) ‚Big conflict with ‚ Prototype testing (MBT, CIC, SFO) ‚ Production debugging (Alpha) ‚ Beta (fallback plan for Alpha) ‚Rick Kwarciany is part-time integration engineer Alpha software for commissioning ‚Limited, in turn, by above problems Availability of inputs ‚Real, or test; becoming limiting factor
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Preprocessor Chains: Commissioning Scale % l 0% l 0% Connectivity not tested l 20 l 20 Signal compatibility demonstrated l 40 l 40 Correct data transfer once or usually; or physical layer (BIST?) full speed, error rate OK l 60 Fake data, repeated transfers, error rate OK l 80 Full speed fake data, error rate ok, >1 day l 100% Real data full cards, in system, full speed, errors OK, > 1 week
J. Linnemann, MSU 12/16/ Preprocessor Chains 0%..20%..40 0%..20% % l L1DFE FIC..SFO MBT Alpha L3 (test stand) l L1Cal FIC SFO MBT Alpha VBD L3 (DAQ) l MuFE CIC SLIC SFO MBT Alpha L3 l Mutest CICSFO l Mutest CIC SFO SLIC SFO MBT Alpha L3 l Alpha MBTMBT l Alpha MBT MBT Alpha (2 crates) l Alpha Alpha l L1SCL MBT Alpha VBD L3 l MBT SFO patch panel MBTAlpha VBD l MBT SFO patch panel MBT Alpha VBD L3 (test stand) l L1SCL MBT l L1SCL MBT SFO SLIC MBT Alpha l L1FW FIC MBT Alpha l Alpha MBT l Alpha MBT L2FW….