QUESTIONS How many prophets of Baal were there? What was wrong with Baal’s prophets? What did Elijah do with the 2 bulls and the wood? How did Elijah prove that His God is the true God? Did Baal answer the people, even after they yelled to him? Did God answer Elijah after he prayed to Him? If yes, how did God answer?
Simon Peter’s Vision
What God has made clean, do not call it unholy!
God loves all equally!
We should love all equally!
But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him. (Acts 10:35)
Questions What is a centurion? What is the name of the God-fearing centurion who later got baptized? What is the name of the city the angel told him about? Who is the man they have to look for? How many times did Simon Peter hear this: “What God has made clean, do not call it unholy”? How many men were looking for Simon Peter? What did Simon Peter tell Cornelius?