A Poor Powerpoint Presentation This is a poor choice of colours
White on red … Too much text is also a bad thing. Nobody wants to read endless amounts of information for a presentation. 3 or 4 bulleted pointsText should consist or 3 or 4 bulleted points that briefly outline your information.
Text is too SMALL Along with excessive text, is it big enough that you can read it? 16 pt. 18 pt. 20 pt. 24 pt. Your fonts should be easy to read and absolutely no smaller than 24 pt.
WYSIWIG Due to variations in room lighting and projector bulb strength, colours do not always appear like they do on your screen Avoid, if possible, mixing green and red on a figure-- members of your audience may be red/green colourblind, the most common type of colorblindness.
Too much text! You shouldn’t fill your slide with a large paragraph of text. The slide is designed to inform your audience of the points you intend to speak about. If you’re simply going to read everything right off of the slide, you may as well just send them the information in an . People are visual creatures. When we see large paragraphs of text (when we don’t want to read) we automatically start to shut down. I’m not sure what else to say here, but I’m going to continue to ramble on just to fill this slide with more text. She sell seashells by the sea shore. Try typing that ten times fast!
Consistency is the key Constantly changing colours, backgrounds, and text is annoying and hard to follow Use design templates, they help keep your slides consistent
DON’T USE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS In computer talk, all capital letters is rude and implies that you are angry and possibly yelling
Photographs If you have only a photograph on a slide, set the background of that slide to black