Ancient Egypt By Sabrina Ellie and Brandon B
Rosette stone It took 20 years to decode. The Rosette stone was found in The Rosette stone is a stone with writing on it. Jan Francois champolion.
Mummification Mummies get put in a tomb. Mummies get mummified. Mummies get their brain took out. Mummies get their organs took out.
Khufu Khufu had 4 wives. Khufu was the pharaoh for 23 years. Khufu was a cruel king. Khufu bailt a great pyramid. Khufu did at 63 years old.
The River Nile The river Nile is the longest river in Africa and the world. The ancient Egyptians settled on the banks of the river. The river flooded every year. It gave water to feed the crops.
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