Gods of Egypt By Salehah khan
By Salehah Khan FEgyptian gods are called Gods. FWhen the gods die they put clothes toys and other stuffs for there afterlife. FAll Egyptians be live in after life they think they will come alive. FThey even put statues of the cat in there tomb. FEgyptian gods are called Gods. FWhen the gods die they put clothes toys and other stuffs for there afterlife. FAll Egyptians be live in after life they think they will come alive. FThey even put statues of the cat in there tomb.
About God and Goddess All God and Goddess All God and Goddess have a pretty name. Have you heard about God and Goddess. In Egypt every one has a special thing like there jewelry and eye make up called Kohl. I even wear eye make up called Kohl to. Your parents might have something special to them from there countries. Egyptian God and Goddess information. Have some thing special.
Hieroglyphics FAll hieroglyphics are cool when ever you write them you well fell good. Here are the hieroglyphics
Egyptian Mummies FSome Egyptian mummies are very scary. FIf you see a Egyptian FSome Egyptian mummies are very scary. FIf you see a Egyptian Mummie you would want to Learn more about mummies Would you like to learn about mummies? When I learned about mummies I liked it.