Section EQ: What repelled immigrants from capitalism and what prompted nativism?
Section Vocab Communism- single-party, dictator-led government system. Equality above all else. Red Scare- widespread fear in U.S. in response to communist cries for worldwide revolution against capitalism. Palmer Raids- government seizure of property in search of hidden communists in America Nativism- widespread anti-immigration sentiments Isolationism- America would stay out of all foreign conflicts Sacco & Vanzetti- two Italian immigrants found guilty of murder amidst a controversial case strewn with anti-immigrant prejudice Quota system- only 2% of present nationals allowed to enter U.S. John L. Lewis- leader of mine workers union earned 27% wage increase for mine workers Strikebreakers- hired by management to work during time of a labor strike
Rise of Nativism After WWI Nativism grew because… Veterans were unemployed Cost of living doubled Farmers lose demand due to peace Need for unskilled labor drops due to peacetime Fear of communism on the rise
Communism Rises Russia introduced communist governments Government ownership of industries No private property Dictator-led governments Communists called for a worldwide rebellion against capitalism 70,000 members of the Communist Party in America
Cause and Effect of The Red Scare Cause 70,000 known members of the Communist Party in America But how many are hiding amongst us…?? Some anarchists mailed bombs to government officials Effect Palmer Raids: Attorney General, appointed J. Edgar Hoover to help hunt down suspected communists, socialists and anarchists
Sacco & Vanzetti Italian Immigrants, known Anarchists, accused of murder Trial was strewn with discrimination and prejudice. Both men found guilty of murder Public outcry was on a worldwide scale
KKK gains support By 1925, 4.5 million members “100% Americanism”