INCOSE Delegate Report FEAPO Plenary: November 2015 Presented by Richard Martin
About INCOSE – International Council on System Engineering The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is a not-for-profit membership organization founded to develop and disseminate the interdisciplinary principles and practices that enable the realization of successful systems. Mission Share, promote and advance the best of systems engineering from across the globe for the benefit of humanity and the planet. Vision The world's authority on Systems Engineering. Goals To provide a focal point for dissemination of systems engineering knowledge. To promote international collaboration in systems engineering practice, education, and research. To assure the establishment of competitive, scale-able professional standards in the practice of systems engineering. To improve the professional status of all persons engaged in the practice of systems engineering. To encourage governmental and industrial support for research and educational programs that will improve the systems engineering process and its practice. November 2015FEAPO Plenary2
The Body of Knowledge and Curriculum to Advance Systems Engineering (BKCASE) Project includes two closely related products Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge A living, authoritative guide to the knowledge most relevant and important to the advancement of systems engineering. SEBoK discusses what is included in the discipline, how this knowledge can be structured to facilitate understanding, and what documents are most important to the discipline. Graduate Reference Curriculum for Systems Engineering Curriculum guidance for systems engineering master’s program, GRCSE makes reference to sections of the SEBoK to define its core knowledge and suggests broader program outcomes and objectives that reflect aspects of the professional practice of systems engineering as discussed across the SEBoK. These products are available at November 2015FEAPO Plenary3
Certifications for System Engineering Knowledge examination and experience based Program began in 2004 Three levels of certification ASEP – Examination of knowledge based upon INCOSE SE Handbook content CSEP - Examination of knowledge based upon INCOSE SE Handbook content, 5 years experience working as SE, technical degree ESEP – Review of contribution to field of SE, 25 years experience working as SE, technical degree, 5 years of professional development credit About 1,000 of 10,000 members are now certified as ASEP, CSEP or ESEP (INCOSE SE Handbook aligns with ISO 15288) November 2015FEAPO Plenary4
Educational programs Annual International Symposium Rotates between US, Europe, and Asia Presentation sessions, panel discussions, tutorials, networking Chapters around the world Meet regularly, some every month Presentations, discussions, networking Monthly webinars on topics of interest – usually new approaches Website library of past presentations and INCOSE work products Annual International Workshop Working Group meetings Business meetings Monthly INSIGHT news letter and quarterly Systems Engineering Journal November 2015FEAPO Plenary5
Conceptual modeling for system engineering V-model and Dual V-model N 2 and Design Structure Matrix Interpretive Structural Modeling - Warfield Soft-systems Methodology - Checkland SysML – OMG Object-Process Methodology – Dori ISO Systems and software engineering – System life cycle processes ISO/IEC/IEEE Systems and software engineering – Architecture description November 2015FEAPO Plenary6
Dual-V Model November 20157FEAPO Plenary
Managing Resource to Create Enterprise Value November 20158FEAPO Plenary
3 Kinds of Enterprise Capability November 2015FEAPO Plenary9
November FEAPO Plenary
Anti-terrorism WG Charter Purpose –Demonstrate that systems engineering principles, techniques, and practices can offer a path to policy and technical solutions that reduce and mitigate the consequences of terrorism and natural disaster events. Goal –Create INCOSE-wide product(s), which apply systems engineering principles, techniques, and practices to recommend policy and technical solutions that reduce and mitigate the consequences of terrorism and natural disaster events. Scope –Solutions, tools, analysis to support public policy decisions, discussion forums (e.g., panels) through volunteers within and without INCOSE Planned work –Develop a proposal for a book chapter on applying systems engineering to public policy surrounding the threat to cyber-dependent infrastructure –Develop a student challenge problem that uses SE to establish understanding of complex systems 11November 2015FEAPO Plenary
Purpose Expand the practice of Architecture in Systems Engineering and advance the body of knowledge … Goals Advance and evolve the architecture body of knowledge. Promote the use and practice of architecture principles. Develop and share best practices for the use of architecture. Engage in architecture related standards and specifications. Scope The domain of Systems and Systems of Systems (SoS) Architecture as it relates to Systems Engineering and (SoS) Engineering. Planned work Continued collaboration with FEAPO, SEBoK Define a framework for architect competencies IW: International WorkshopAWG: Architecture Working Group 12 Architecture WG Charter November 2015FEAPO Plenary
SysSciWG – IFSR: Systems Praxis Framework November FEAPO Plenary
ISO/WD Architecture processes November FEAPO Plenary
Architecting information flow November FEAPO Plenary
ISO/IEC/CD Architecture evaluation November FEAPO Plenary
Complex Systems WG Charter We operate at enlarging the intersection of Complex Systems Science and Systems Engineering, focusing on knowledge that is not addressed in current systems engineering documentation such as standards, handbooks, and textbooks. Applicable sciences include chaos, complexity, complex adaptive systems, nonlinear dynamics, network/graph theory, social science, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, ecology, and others. We will develop useful products that will help INCOSE members and their organizations perform systems engineering better, based on knowledge from these sciences. Although analysis is important, the goal is to make a difference in synthesis (creation of new systems) as well. Planned work Expand on Mat French MBSE in Complexity Contexts work begun in 2014 Expand on selected Primer topics; evolve into wiki to facilitate evolution and access; develop annotated complexity bibliography Begin development of a Maturity Model for the Complex SE capability of an organization or endeavor 17November 2015FEAPO Plenary
Decision Analysis WG Charter Purpose –Advance the state of the practices, education and theory of Decision Analysis and its relationship to other systems engineering disciplines. Goal –Expand and promote the body of knowledge of Decision Analysis and its benefits within the Systems Engineering community. Scope –This technical working group will cover activities that are generically applicable to current and future Decision Analysis practices thru the product development and project life cycle for any and all domains and industries. Planned work –Write Book to address top 5 CAB need on making effective trade studies. –Author Tutorial on Decision Analysis and Trade Studies 18November 2015FEAPO Plenary
19 Model-Based Conceptual Design Working Group MBCD WG Vision – Develop best practice for model-based conceptual design MBCD WG Mission Enhance the practise of problem definition and identifying capability needs Develop modelling practise in support of Exploratory Research and Concept Stage Planned work - SETE2015 Plenary/Workshop MBSE ASEW 2015 Workshop at the INCOSE IS2015 Pain Points Survey Team MBCD Case Study / Best Practice Guide Team Return On Investment (ROI) for MBCD – Identify a research question and look to sponsor a PhD investigation November 2015FEAPO Plenary
20 MBSE Patterns Challenge Team S*Patterns are re-usable, configurable, S*Models. S*Models are MBSE models satisfying the S*Metamodel. S*Metamodel: The smallest set of elements necessary for system life cycle purposes of engineering and science (ISO or otherwise). Modeling language independent: use SysML, IDEF, or your personal favorite language—but cover the S*Metamodel elements. Tools independent: mapped to multiple third party COTS modeling tools, PLM systems, and databases. Planned work Agile Systems Engineering Life Cycle Pattern (Joint with Agile WG) SE Community Social Network Pattern INCOSE Summary of PBSE Methodology The Case for a Stronger Foundation Metamodel for MBSE: Part 3 S*Metamodel Summary November 2015FEAPO Plenary
Product Line Engineering WG Charter Purpose –To promote PLE and related SE best practices Coordinate activities around PLE at INCOSE level and share results Goals –Help our members acquire Know ‐ How Compare to the State ‐ of ‐ Art Share concerns, experiences, good practices and traps to avoid –Provide guidelines to setup and evolve PLE in organizations Scope –All types of Systems, Markets & Organizations –All the SE Processes (needs, requirements, architecture, integration and tests …) –All maturity levels of PLE, from opportunistic to completely Integrated and anticipated strategies Planned work –Guideline on “Model-Based Product Line Systems Engineering” –PLE meta-model or ontology –Building product lines from legacy assets (research) –Extended work on ISO2655x standards for a bigger impact 21November 2015FEAPO Plenary
Risk Management WG Charter Purpose Advance knowledge, common understanding, and quality of practice of risk and opportunity management in the systems engineering community worldwide. Our mission is to develop value- added technical products and participative activities which help INCOSE members effectively and efficiently implement risk & opportunity mgmt. Goal Provide a forum for INCOSE risk management practitioners to present research and analysis results, discuss problems, and put forth improvement ideas. Scope Risk and Opportunity Management process, methods and tools as they relate to Risk Management within the context of Systems Engineering (SE) throughout the life-cycle. NOTE: This framing definition excludes Opportunity Management that would apply to business enterprise or service activities pursued outside the context of Risk Management, and Risk and Opportunity Management outside the context of Systems Engineering (SE). Planned work Support update of ISO/IEC 16085, Systems and software engineering – Life cycle processes – Risk management Consider the opportunity to support the development and management of risk management related parts of the INCOSE SEBoK (evaluate capability to support) Continue liaison work with the Healthcare WG and the Biomed MBSE Team regarding Safety Assurance Cases and Risk Mgmt., including conference activities and publications. 22November 2015FEAPO Plenary
SEQual Project Charter WG Purpose: Zero-fault systems. The SEQual Project intends to foster and foment ethos and action toward Zero-Fault systems thereby revitalizing the aspect of system engineering that ensures operational system fitness for purpose. WG Goals: 1)Foster and foment a Fault-free ethos throughout the INCOSE membership and their beneficiaries. 2)Show how to achieve system operational availability in deployed systems equivalent to that demonstrated in Acceptance Tests. 3)Disband when exemplary operational systems are the norm rather than the current experience of ‘less than 50% of those attempted.’ WG Scope: Compressing SE cycle times to 1/3 current practice despite system problematique increasing in Extent, Variety and Ambiguity; Including autonomous systems for non-deterministic problem situations while handling increasing kinds and quantity of threats from cyberspace. Understanding and applying new technologies that enable a order of magnitude leap in a system’s ownership value throughout its life cycle. Planned work: Examine Fit For Purpose Assessment provisions in Standards, Handbooks, Guides, Guide to SEBoK and in the foci and products of INCOSE initiatives and WG’s. Produce ConOps for “Fault detection and removal from Day 2 of a system project through Year N of a system useful life.” 23November 2015FEAPO Plenary
Very Small Entities WG Charter Purpose Systems Engineering concepts have been adopted and adapted by most industries in various domains (Aeronautics, Defense, Space, Transportation, Telecom, Information Systems, Bio Medical…) for development of product and services. In the context of very small and micro enterprises and small projects (VSEs), these concepts can be used or tailored to improve: Product development efficiency (including costs and delays) Product Quality Goal To improve and make product development within VSEs more efficient by using Systems Engineering and Systems Thinking concepts Elaborate tailored guidance to apply, in the context of either a prime or subcontractor role to small projects To contribute to standardization in the context of Systems Engineering and Systems Thinking Planned work SEBoK – Develop and coordinate SEBoK content Develop VSE Use Cases Review Project Manager’s Guide to SE Measurement for Project Success 24November 2015FEAPO Plenary