Drug Classifications STIMULANTS: Speed up the central nervous system and can cause an increase in respiratory and heart rates, high blood pressure, dilated pupils, and decreased appetite. User symptoms: irritability, sweating, headaches, blurred vision, dizziness, and insomnia. Overdose: can cause: irregular heartbeat, tremors, loss of coordination, and death.
Classifications Continued… Examples of stimulant drugs: Amphetamines Cocaine/Crack “Speed” or “uppers”
Classifications Continued… Withdrawal Symptoms: Long periods of sleep Disorientation Tremors Convulsions Irritability Depression Vomiting
Depressants DEPRESSANTS: (sedatives) Slow down the functions of the central nervous system. They relax muscles, reliee feelings of tension and worry and induce sleep. Also slows heart and breathing rates and lower blood pressure. Overdose: shallow breathing, weak pulse, coma and death.
Depressants Cont… Withdrawal Symptoms: Tremors, Hallucinations, Convulsions, Vomiting, Insomnia. Examples of Depressant Drugs: –Barbiturates –Tranquilizers –Sedatives
Narcotics Drugs that act on both the central nervous system and parasympathetic system to slow down body function; made from opium poppy and can be used in some medicines such as morphine and codeine; act as a pain reliever. Can cause sleep, coma, and death. Narcotics can be naturally or synthetically made.
Narcotic Cont… Withdrawal Symptoms: Tremors, Panic Cramps, Sweating, Chills, Nausea, Irritability. Examples of Narcotic Drugs: –Heroin –Opium –Morphine/Codeine
Hallucinogens Drugs that alter mood, thought, and the senses include sight, sound, touch, smell; can be naturally or synthetically made. These drugs have no medical use and can have unpredictable effects on people. Effects: Dilated pupils, “flashbacks”, chills, tremors, nausea, panic, anxiety, increased heart rate.
Hallucinogens Cont… Examples of Hallucinogen Drugs: PCP (Phencyclidine) “angel dust” LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethyl amide)
Ecstasy: MDMA A legal, psychoactive (effects the brain & senses) drug that can cause hallucinations. Ecstasy comes in pill form usually but can also be sprayed or injected. Effects: –Can lead to mental illness –Effects you psychologically just as amphetamines do. –Depression, insomnia, severe anxiety, and paranoia.
Ecstasy Site Site: cations/factsht/mdma/index.html cations/factsht/mdma/index.html
Drug Schedules Site: ules.pdf ules.pdf
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