Kód ITMS projektu: Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika – moderná škola tretieho tisícročia Vzdelávacia oblasť: Jazyk a komunikácia Predmet Anglický jazyk Ročník, triedy: 2. ročník Tematický celok: Books Vypracoval: Mgr. Zuzana Polónyová Dátum:
Books Books Types of books Types of books Group work Group work Reading questionnaire Reading questionnaire Which type do you read? Which type do you read? 2 Discussion Discussion Books and their content Books and their content Sources Sources Simulation Simulation Benefits of reading Benefits of reading
4 Romantic novels travelogues horror Historic books short stories cook books
5 encyclopedias fairy tales dictionaries textbooks crimebible poems
6 In pairs, ask and answer the questions below. How much do you enjoy reading? How old were you when you learnt to read? Who taught you to read? How often do you read? Do you think you read enough? Would you like to read more? What would make you read more? Where do you read most often? At home, work, school, during your journey to work …? Are you reading anything at the moment? If yes, what book is it? Do you often buy books? How many books do you think there are in your home? How often do you talk with your friends, colleagues or members of your family about books you have read? How do you choose books to read? Do you read book reviews?
Listen to four friends talking about their favourite books and films. Tick the titles they mention. What do they say about them? Discuss with your group, then with the class the differences between reading a book and watching its film version. Dracula Titanic Frankenstein Captain Corelli’s Spiderman Mandolin Harry Potter and the Star Wars Philosopher’s Stone The Lord of the Rings The Silence of the Lambs The Sun Also Rises 7
8 I read because It helps me understand the world It is fun It helps me find out what I want or need to know I know I should
9 websites newspapers magazines factual books fiction comics manuals s poetry plays catalogues encyclopaedias travel books audiobooks text messages
10 adventure horror /ghost romance crime stories historical fantasy science-fiction comedy about spies about wars Suspense/thriller about animals
11 Information Geography Values Wisdom Empathy Behaviour Imagination Language Vocabulary Therapy
What are the benefits of reading? Can you think of any other advantages? What book have you read recently which increased your fund of knowledge? What hero from a book have you admired and wanted to imitate? In what way? From your reading, what have you learnt about human relationships? What is the reason why some people do not read? For your homework - Create a review of a book. 12
13 1.atlasa)basic coursebook at school or university 2.autobiographyb)information about subjects in alphabetical order 3.dictionaryc)lists of words grouped according to their similarity in meaning 4.directoryd)maps 5.encyclopediae)a list of names of places printed at the end of an atlas 6.gazetteerf)a list of important, famous people and brief details of their lives 7.guidebookg)meanings of words 8.manualh)tourist information about a country 9.textbooki)instructions on how to use or repair a machine 10.thesaurusj)a list of names, addresses and tel. no. in alphabetical order 11.Who’s Whok)the story of one’s own life written by oneself
14 You work as a shop assistant in a book shop. A young man has just entered your shop. He wants to buy a birthday present for his friend who is 18 next week and is a pronounced bookworm. He doesn´t know what kind of book he should buy for her/him. Talk to him and give him some advice. Don´t forget you are a professional bookseller.
FRAUS – Moderné konverzačné témy v angličtine- Let’s Talk M. Misztal – Testy z angličtiny Liz and John Soars – New Headway Intermediate Student’s Book- 3. edition 15