Native Plants of Georgia By 3rd Block
Go to the Web Site ail.cfm?pk_id= ail.cfm?pk_id=7763 Look at the information on the Native Plants for Georgia Find pictures of 10 trees, 5 shrubs and 5 woody vines that are native to Georgia and use them on your slides. Label each picture.
Identify: 10 trees 5 shrubs 5 woody vines
Create a PPT Presentation Create a well-planned and put-together presentation to show to the class. Plan ahead! Follow the tips sheet that I gave you in class.
Present to the Class Use what you’ve learned in your research of how to use PowerPoint. For example, use your notes pane to type your speeches for the presentation. Face the audience; do not read your slides to us!
Good luck and Have fun! Thanks, Mrs. Sandy Wells