Kinston High School Literacy Session Kinston High School Literacy Session October 29, 2009 Melissa Champion Hurst, English Instructional Facilitator Krystal Thompkins, Social Studies Instructional Facilitator
Goals for the Session To reflect on our progress towards our literacy goals. To read a professional article using a protocol that fosters deep discussion. To participate in four vocabulary development strategies.
Sharing our Success What successes have you experienced since our last session in implementing literacy strategies in your class? What successes can you identify as a school?
Animal Scramble Directions: Keep your animal a SECRET! The goal is to find the rest of your kind—with NO TALKING. Noises are okay but no words! Once you have found one of your kind, stay together until you find the rest of your group. stay together until you find the rest of your group.
Why Vocabulary? Learning, as a language based activity, is fundamentally and profoundly dependent on vocabulary knowledge. Learners must have access to the meanings of words that teachers, or their surrogates (e.g., other adults, books, films, etc.), use to guide them into contemplating known concepts in novel ways (i.e. to learn something new). (Baker, Simmons, & Kame'enui, 1998)
Essential Vocabulary List 5-7 words that students need to know this week in your class in order to be successful.
The Most Important Quote Text Protocol Read article and choose a “5 star” quote—a quote that really resonates with you. When your number is called, share your quote with your small group and explain why you chose the quote. Everyone must share. As a group, reach consensus on the MOST IMPORTANT quote in the passage.
Turn and Talk How does this activity engage students in interpreting the text? How could you modify this activity to fit the needs of your students or different types of text? How could other content area teachers modify this strategy?
Vocabulary Station You will rotate to four different stations. Each station features one vocabulary development strategy. Complete each strategy as if you are a student. Use the vocabulary list you generated earlier for activities. Use the reflection form to record ideas, questions, or adaptations.
Station Reflection Share one new idea you learned during the station rotation. How did the activities relate to the article we read? How did the use of stations facilitate the process of learning new strategies?
A Treat for You Check out this cool online vocabulary site! Great vocabulary videos!
Closure One idea I can use… One question/comment I’d like to add… like to add… Melissa Champion Krystal