Living without fear – 1John4:13-21 1. How can I be sure of salvation? Salvation is about knowing God – John17:3 The evidence of this relationship is:-


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Presentation transcript:

Living without fear – 1John4: How can I be sure of salvation? Salvation is about knowing God – John17:3 The evidence of this relationship is:- a. We have received the Spirit – v.13 - we “live in him” – we are children of God John 1:12,13. We are “in Christ” – Eph.1:3 - He “lives in us” – he empowers us The internal witness

How can I be sure of salvation? b. We have trusted in Jesus – v.14,15 Jesus came to be the Saviour –v.14; John3:16 John was a witness – John’s Gospel;1John1:1-3 We trust in Jesus:- 1. His person – divine and human-4:2,15 2. His work- Cross & Resurrection The external witness

How can I be sure of salvation? c. We display God’s love – v.16 God is love –v.8,16 He shows his love:- 1. Sending his son to save us 2. Giving the Spirit to help us know his love We display God’s love to others -3:14 The relational witness

God’s love and us

2. The fruit of assurance v a. We love others - v.16,19-21 The love of the invisible God is made visible by our love b. Our fear is driven out – v.17,18 1. Fear of judgment -Jesus is our Saviour-4:10,14;Rom.8:1-3 - We are God’s beloved chidren-v Everyday fears & worries –Rom.8:35-39; Ps.23; John 10:1-18; Eph.3:16-19

3. Your response a. Have you trusted in Jesus as Saviour? b. What do you trust in? 1. For the day of judgment Your achievements The work of Jesus 2. For your everyday life Your circumstances Being God’s child Jesus as Shepherd Your strength The Spirit to empower