Thursday 18th December
All Year Groups These EAL pupils should come to EAL period 3 for a meeting.
All Year Groups ‘Peter Pan’ TODAY’S ARRANGEMENTS All pupils involved in this trip will have an early lunch starting at 11:30am. You have 3 options for lunch… 1.Buy lunch from the Fuel Zone and sit with friends to eat it 2. Bring a packed lunch to eat in fuel zone 3.Go round to “Gambits” on Gower Terrace and return to the fuel zone. Under no circumstances should anyone go to over the bridge to Paisley Road West. At 12pm all pupils MUST be lined up in year groups in the Assembly Hall so they can be allocated to their buses. If anyone wishes to buy sweets or drinks, it is highly recommended that they purchase these from local shops as refreshments sold from the theatre are extremely expensive. Please note that school uniform MUST be worn.
S5/6 New notices in the pond area Miss McWaters has replaced a number of notices in the pond area: 1.Hairdressing Apprenticeship opportunities at award winning salon, Rainbow Rooms 2.Fully funded scholarships for summer school in America 3.New Geographical/Earth Sciences degree opportunities at Glasgow University. 4.Army Cadet Open Day 5.New Q courses at Edinburgh Uni to develop skills and enhance your CVs 6.Barclays Finance Degree Programmes – “earn whilst you learn” If you need further information about any of them, come and see Miss McWaters.
S5/6 Free the Children - Annual WE DAY Wembley Conference Centre Thursday 5 th March 2015 Journey by train – Approx a.m. departure from Central Station Approx Cost £40 return includes breakfast, on board entertainment and transport to and from the arena Following on from the PSHE assembly and workshops… Have you been involved in charity work? Do you support Free the Children’s campaigns? Would like to attend WE Day? Please let Mrs Nizam (Maths 4) know by the end of Thursday this week.
S2 Go4Set Science and Engineering Challenge Any S2 pupil who has expressed an interest to Miss Blanning in taking part in the challenge but was unable to attend yesterday’s meetings should see Miss Blanning at some point before the Christmas Holidays
S1 S1 Dodge Ball Tournament Well done to all those who took part in the S1 Tournament. Could the same pupils please report to the PE Dept TODAY 1pm