Alexis Baker and Nicholas Ruhe
Paul Howard, Kinsasha Powell, Debra Whitlow, Jordan Bazia, Hannah McClintock, Allen Murray, Amber Price, Madison Schoonaert, Antonio White, and Jordan Zitt
Boys Basketball hosts LaPorte for SectionalsBoys Basketball hosts LaPorte for Sectionals
Girls Gymnastics at DACGirls Gymnastics at DAC
Thought For The Day “Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor.” -Brian Tracy
Attention Seniors 1100 scholarships are up for grabs through the Buick Achievers Scholarship Program. If you will be attending a four year university next year and plan to major in a field that deals with engineering, design, business or technology AND have an interest in the automobile industry, this could be the scholarship for you. The deadline is February 29. Go to for the application.
21 st Century Scholars If you are a Twenty-first Century Scholar, you must file your affirmation by March 1 st or you will not be eligible for this scholarship. You must return this affirmation to the Ivy Tech South Bend office of the Twenty-first Century Scholars by March 1. If you have questions, contact them at , ext: 6808.
Attention Seniors The Rotary Club of Michigan City is offering two scholarships this year. The first scholarship provides $2000 for two years and the second provides a one-time award of $2000. To be eligible, a student must have demonstrated “Service Above Self” actions in their community and have a minimum of a “C” average. Applications are available in the Guidance Office and are due April 2.
Attention Seniors Attending PNC The PNC Chancellor’s Leadership Award Application is now available in the Guidance Office. To qualify for this renewable, $1000 per year scholarship, the applicant must have a minimum 2.5 GPA and documented evidence of community and school involvement. Applications are due by May 4, 2012.
Seniors Seeking Scholarships The Urban League of Northwest Indiana is offering multiple scholarships. Information is available in the Guidance Office. The application deadline is April 13.
Attention Juniors and Seniors For those interested in a career in the business field, the Junior Executive Institute is a free summer program that invites students from African-American, Latino, and American Indian backgrounds to experience a week at IU’s Kelley School of Business. Room & board, meals and program fees are covered. Students who wish to be considered for participation in the institute must have a GPA of 3.0 or above. Please see your counselor for more information.
Algebra ECA Help There will be Algebra ECA help every Tuesday from 2:15-3:30 in A207.
English ECA Help Are you a junior or senior that needs help with the English ECA? We will be meeting on Tuesdays after school in Mrs. Fitch’s room for a review session. Stop by and sign up. Pave your way, pass the ECA.
Attention Girls Tennis Players All current girls tennis players as part of our fundraising for tennis season, we will be working concessions at the boys basketball sectional and regional games. Coach Volheim will have a sign up sheet in his room, working the event will get you free MCHS girls tennis gear.
Attention Seniors The Unity Foundation of LaPorte County has released a list of 2012 Scholarship Opportunities. Several new scholarships have been added. To see if you qualify, pick up a list of the scholarships in the College Resource Room. Most are due by April 1.
Attention Soccer Players Winter indoor conditioning is now taking place. If you are not participating in a spring sport, you should be attending. We will be meeting every Monday and Thursday in Coach Dege’s room A221 from 2:30 to 3:15. Bring clothes and shoes to run in.
Attention Seniors The LaPorte County Association of Realtors Education Award is now available in the Guidance Office or on the MCHS Guidance website. To qualify for this award, the student must be involved as a volunteer in at least one non-profit organization. Applications are due April 1, 2012.
Attention Student Council Members There will be a meeting on Thursday, March 1, after school in room N107. The meeting will last until approximately 3:00 p.m. Please be ready to go after school by 2:30. If you have any questions please see Olyvia, Mitchell, Mrs. Rivich, or Mrs. Lindgren.
Attention Seniors The MCHS Soccer Scholarship application is available in the Guidance Office. Applications are due to the Guidance Office by April 13, Recipients will be recognized at the Spring Sports Awards in May.
Chess Club Chess Club will meet after school in A121 on Friday, March 2.
Drama Club There will be a Drama Club meeting on Thursday, March 1 st, until 3:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Hope to see you there.
LaPorte County Symphony Orchestra Sunday, March 4 at 3:00 p.m. Elston Performing Arts Center Free Admission to Students through College A coupon for a free health screening will be given to ticket holders over 40 and everyon receives a special gift from the hospital. Also appearing, Nikia Hammonds-Blakely, a Susan G. Komen spokesperson and singer/songwriter.
Attention Baseball Players To all boys interested in playing baseball for MCHS, there will be a very important call-out meeting this Thursday, March 1 2:30 p.m. in Coach Ortiz’s room, N125. You will be discussing tryouts for this upcoming season starting March 12 th. The meeting will last approximately 20 minutes.
Spring Fling Dance The Student Council is sponsoring a Spring Fling Dance on Friday, March 16. The dance will be held from :30 p.m. in the school cafeteria. The dress will be casual. You must have your school I.D. to enter, and admission will be $5.00. Anyone who is on social probation will NOT be able to attend. The dance will also feature a NEW, young and hip DJ! Come out and celebrate the coming of warm weather and good days, and meet your friends on the dance floor.
Attention Seniors This is a reminder that the FAFSA Deadline is March 10. Go to to complete your application for Financial Aid.
Wolf Pack Marching Band Colorguard Tryouts Tryouts will take place on Saturday, March 10 th from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at Barker Middle School Gym. To be eligible, girls and boys must be entering grades 8-12 for the school year and have a GPA of 1.5 or higher. Please wear workout clothes and tennis shoes. Hair must be pulled back away from face and ALL piercings must be removed before you get to the tryout site. All applicants MUST pick up a tryout form from the main office and have the form completed entirely and brought with you the day of tryouts. Any questions Call Coach Trisha at (219) or
Attention Seniors The Patch Harborside Heritage Organiztion is offering two $500 scholarships to any Seniors planning on attending college in the fall. Application forms can be picked up in the Guidance Office or you may contact Mr. Edwards in the Athletic Office for more information. Deadline for Scholarship will be April 27, The Exchangette Scholarship is also available. Applications must be returned to the Guidance Office by April 5.
Attention Softball Players Anyone interested in trying out for the softball team, the first official practice is Monday, March 5 th at 2:45. All players must have a physical on file in the athletic office or it can be given to Coach Feare on the first day. All softball players will report to the south balcony at 2:45. Any questions, please see Coach Feare.