Your Presenters Today Sarah Curtin Assistant Director Transfer Admissions and First Year International Admissions Winona State University, Winona, MN Aimee Thostenson Associate Director, International Admission St. Catherine University, St. Paul, MN
Resources NAFSA: conferences & online country guides AACRAO: conferences and Edge database WES: webinars - Free! EducationUSA: The Association for International Credential Evaluation Professionals (TAICEP):
How to evaluate transcripts: The documents Accreditation Verification Special considerations Canada - are bachelor's degrees always equivalent? UK - Advanced Levels Virgin Islands - dual curriculum offered in the same area/country US-style universities outside the USA
How to evaluate transcripts: The documents AACRAO Edge -
How to evaluate transcripts: The documents Government Bulgaria Ministry of Education, Youth, and Science: Ecuador National Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation (SENESCYT): Chile Ministry of Education: Mexico Secretary of Public Education: Moldova Ministry of Education and Higher Education: Ukraine OSVITA: China Higher Education Student Information and Career Center: (need an account with Chinese currency that can only be set up from China)
How to evaluate transcripts: The documents University-based Catholic University of Peru: Australian National University: Curtin University of Technology: Deakin University: Edith Cowan University: service
How to evaluate transcripts: The institutional process Internal university process Who manages the process? Who requests additional information (ie. Course descriptions)? How are credits evaluated for graduation requirements (I.e. elective credit vs. Credit for major)?
Communicating policy to prospective students Prospective Applicants/Inquiries Transfer Guides for high school visits and education fairs Website/ Applicants Direct correspondence regarding transfer credit and degree evaluation - during admission process & upon enrollment Enrolled students Transfer credits for classes taken outside the USA during summer break
In-house vs. Independent Evaluations In-house Training - initial and ongoing Resources Staffing Requires ECE, WES or IERF Independent How to select the right evaluation company Document policies? NACES member? Support services? Consistency? Responsiveness to questions? Institution makes final decision on TR credits
Sample In-house evaluation
Sample WES evaluation
Sample ECE evaluation
Scholarships & Housing Winona State University Students may receive a Cross-Cultural Scholarship Other scholarships include the Presidential Scholarship and a Transfer Scholarship - both have the same requirements as Domestic students Housing -not required, but recommended. Housing office works very close with the WSU International Office to make sure they have space available. St. Catherine University International students Same criteria as used for FF Based on IFI - not gpa alone Immigrant students Based on gpa (for TR), Phi Theta Kappa Housing guaranteed but not required for all international students. Housing available for immigrant students via regular sign-up deadlines.
Questions? Sarah Curtin Aimee Thostenson