Outcomes from the session: Know the factors that contribute to poor behaviour Be able to identify different types of learners in our teaching groups Know a range of strategies for planning, teaching and managing behaviour
Group activity: Identify as many factors as you can that might lead to poor behaviour 5 minutes
Keen learners Receptive learners Passive learners Disengaged learners Group Task: Identify the characteristics of each of the different groups 5 minutes
Disengaged Passive Receptive Keen
Aims for avoidance of poor behaviour What behaviour issues could be “planned out”, prior to students entering the classroom?
“There is no doubt that as teachers and parents we have expectations of children’s behaviour and, in my experience, we are usually quite poor in stating both to ourselves and to the children what they are. Behaviour is an area of school where we expect so much yet teach so little. Above all, bear in mind the key question: How effectively am I communicating with the pupils in this class about their behaviour?” Galvin, Miller and Nash
Non- verbal strategies-preserves a calm involvement Task: Share non- verbal strategies for the following: Stop Go No Quiet Sit down Sit properly on the chair Listen Sit here And any others that you might regularly use!!! Be prepared to share………………
Task: Using strategies for managing behaviour in class a) You will be allocated 1 or 2 strategies and in your groups present a scenario to show how it could be successfully used in the classroom. b) Tick off the strategies on your bingo card as you see them demonstrated! ( shout “house when its complete!)
Complete the sheets to show how negative language can be changed to positive Choose 2 and do before and after role plays in your groups- share what you have done
I’ve come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It’s my personal approach that creates the climate. It’s my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher I possess a tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture, or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humour, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de- escalated, and a child humanised or de- humanised. Ginott
Complete the reflection sheet and identify what you are already doing well and what could be developed Use the different types of learner sheet for a group that you might find more challenging Identify any support that you might need to help manage your learning with different groups Spend some time this afternoon planning for behaviour and applying what you have learned from the morning