Author presentation By: Jason Wong Mod 10
My Author: Cate Teirnan
Author’s Life She was born in New Orleans, Louisiana with her mother, father, and brother. In July 24, 1961 was her date of birth. When she married with her husband they moved to the country side in North Carolina. Along with her two stepsons and two daughters. Plus, her poodle and many cats.
Author’s education She went to Ben Franklin High School. She took three years of performing arts, two years of visual arts, and one year of writing at a performing art school. Soon after she attended NYU. She took classes consisting of Russian, writing, and literature. She leaved NYU and then went to Loyola university. She graduated with a degree in Russian.
Author’s well-known books Sweep series book one to fifteen Balefire series book one to four Immortal Beloved trilogy * plus, there are many more because it turned out that my author had a pen name, Gabrielle Charbonnet. I recently found out that there are many more books.
Life impacts writing #1 “My high school was a public school called Ben Franklin, and back then it was housed in an old former courthouse not far from the Mississippi River. The high school that Morgan Rowlands (in Sweep) goes to is based on that building” This shows how the author used her past history in her writing. Just like Jack London when he went to the Klondike and used that experience in Call of the Wild.
Life impact writing #2 " Even when I was little, I knew that New Orleans was a special place. The cemeteries were wonderful, and we explored the ones we could walk to. I still love cemeteries, and try to visit them when I’m traveling." Cate Teirnan uses the feeling of the supernatural in all her writing. (witches, doppelgangers, and immortals)
Literature technique #1 Sweep Series Book of Shadows chapter eighteen page one hundred thirty states, "I read this quickly while the clock downstairs was striking midnight. At the very last bong of the clock, I said the final word. In the next instant all the hairs on my arms stood up, the three candles went out, and a huge bolt of lightning made my room glow white. The next second brought a boom of thunder so loud, it reverberated in my chest.” The author easily shows the setting by using imagery. I see Morgan in her room seeing the flash of light in the dark room. The mood is very ominous. It is very unusual to witness lightning randomly.
Literature technique #2 Sweep Series The Coven chapter three page twenty-one states, “His lips touched mine again, and my thoughts whirled. I wrapped my arms around Cal’s shoulders and kissed him as deeply as I knew how, pulling him closer. All I wanted was to be with him, to never be apart.” The author shows the characters’ personalities very well. Any reader can infer that Morgan is feeling nervous about being intimate with Cal. This text states, “kissed him as deeply as I knew how” this phrase was written to tell us that she is a virgin and is insecure with her body, but she really feels love with Cal.
Cal Blaire
Morgan Rowlands
The end!