Size Difficult to measure as many organisms are mobile. Sample size Scientists count how many individuals in a small area and multiplied that by the total area. Only an estimate. Why?
Density How crowded a population with in a particular location is. Expressed as a # of individuals per unit of area or volume Ex: 100 people per square kilometer.
THINK ABOUT IT!!! Which one would be more densely populated? a) 50 people per square meter b) 500 people per square kilometer
Dispersion Spatial Distribution of individuals in a population Clumped-organisms clustered together Resource availability & social behavior (herding) Uniform-fairly evenly distributed Some organisms avoid others in the populations Random-location of each individual is independent of the others in the population rare
Growth Rates Dependent upon birth rate, death rate, immigration & emigration Per capita = per 1,000 individuals in the population Ex: birth rate = 52 births = 52/1,000 =.052 births per capita per year death rate = 14 deaths = 14/1,000 =.014 deaths per capita per year
Equation Birth rate – death rate = growth rate
THINK ABOUT IT!!! What is the per capita growth rate if the birth rate is 52 and the death rate is 14? In a population of 50,000, how many INDIVIDUALS will the population increase by?
Exponential Growth In a positive per capita growth rate, each generation produces a larger amount of individuals than the previous generation. The RATE at which the population grows, increase over time. J-curve
Limiting Factors Biotic and abiotic factors that limit population growth. Abiotic factors include water, space, shelter, weather Biotic factors include predation, competition, disease
Logistic Growth Population will grow exponentially until limiting factors regulate it. S-curve Carrying capacity-the number of individuals the environment can support over a long period of time. When carrying capacity is reached, birth rate = death rate and no growth is occuring. Fluctuates with changes in the environment (greater when prey/food is abundant and smaller when prey/food is scarce.