Lisa Shaw SOS 5716C -Pedology Spring 2010
Coastal Plain Lakes, Creeks, Springs Mean Air Temperature : 67.5 F Avg. Yearly Precipitation: 67.2” North Site- Scrubby High Pine South Site- Flatwoods/ Disturbed urban setting
Upland Gentle Slope: 2-6% Slow Surface Runoff Medium Erosion Potential Profile location
Ap – 0-15 cm, sandy, light brownish gray (10YR 6/2), single grain, clear boundary, fine roots AE cm, sandy, very pale brown (10YR 7/4), single grain, clear boundary, fine roots E cm, sandy, brownish yellow (10YR 6/6), single grain, clear boundary, few roots E2 – cm, sandy, yellow (10YR 7/6), single grain, clear boundary, few roots E3 – cm, sandy, yellow (10YR 7/8) with light reddish brown pore linings and redox depletions, single grain structure, clear boundary Bt – cm, loamy sand, light reddish brown (5YR 6/4) with Red (2.5YR 5/8) concretions (crunchy), weak structure, very friable, clear boundary Ap AE E1 E2 E3 Bt
Infiltration Rate: High Water enters and moves through the soil quickly Available Water: Very Low Not much water is available for plants Hydraulic Conductivity: Moderate Water moves through with moderate velocities in saturated conditions Slight limitation for Basements Moderate limitation for Septic tank absorption fields Slight limitation for Roads and street Season High Water Table cm Pore lining Redox depletions Redox concentration
Epipedon: Ochric Subsurface Horizon: Kandic Order: Entisol
Upland cut drainageway Gentle Slope: 2-6% Slow Surface Runoff Low Erosion Potential Profile Location
E3 A1 A2 EA E2 E3 A1 – 0-18 cm, sandy, dark gray (10YR 4/1), single grain, clear smooth boundary, fine roots A cm, sandy, grayish brown (10YR 5/2), single grain, clear smooth boundary, roots EA cm, sandy, yellow (10YR 7/8), single grain, clear smooth boundary, roots E1 – cm, sandy, very pale brown (10YR 7/3), single grain, clear smooth boundary, roots E1 E2 – cm, sandy, light gray (10YRYR 7/2), single grain structure, clear smooth boundary, roots E3– cm, sandy, light gray (10YR 7/2), single grain, clear smooth boundary, pore linings
Infiltration Rate: High Water enters and moves through the soil quickly Available Water: Very Low Not much water is available for plants Hydraulic Conductivity: High Water moves through the soil quickly in saturated conditions A slight limitation for Basements A sever limitation for Septic tank absorption fields A slight limitation for Roads and street Season High Water Table: 160 cm E3 Pore lining
Epipedon: Ochric Subsurface Horizon: Albic Order: Entisol
North Site South Site Near the Sand Ridge Min. Disturbance Moderately drained Sandy (80”+) Flatwoods Urban Disturbance Poorly drained Sandy (40”+) Questions?