S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% The Infamous RTI: SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT School Wide-PBS – Establishing a Social Culture The following is reproduced from “School-wide Positive Behavior Support” (Horner & Sugai, 2007): A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN Common Vision/Values Common Language Common Experience MEMBERSHIP
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT School Wide - PBS The following is reproduced from “School-wide Positive Behavior Support” (Horner & Sugai, 2007): School environment is predictable 1. common language 2. common vision (understanding of expectations) 3. common experience (everyone knows) School environment is positive regular recognition for positive behavior School environment is safe violent and disruptive behavior is not tolerated School environment is consistent adults use similar expectations. A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT Check In-Check Out Check In-Check Out is a secondary intervention that is most effective when carried out as a complement to school-wide behavioral expectations (Horner, Sugai, Todd, Dickey, Anderson, & Scott). Involves a morning check-in with teacher, periodic “checks”, an afternoon check-out, and a home check-in. May be used with any school-wide behavior plan. Minimal time and effort required from teachers. A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT Logistics for Setting up a Check In-Check Out Program The following is adapted from “Check In / Check Out: A Targeted Intervention” Horner, Sugai et al.: Faculty and staff commitment Is problem behavior a major concern? Are staff willing to commit 5 min per day? Consider potentially less time spent on managing problem behavior. Is CICO a reasonable option for us? CICO is designed to work with 10-12% of kids in a school CICO typically “works” with 67% of students. Team available Team leader CICO coordinator (morning, afternoon) Team (meets at least once every two weeks) A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT Logistics for Setting up a Check In-Check Out Program The following is reproduced from “Check In / Check Out: A Targeted Intervention” Horner, Sugai et al.: School-wide PBS in place School-wide expectations defined and taught Reward system operating Clear and consistent consequences for problem behavior Process for identifying a student who may be appropriate for CICO Student is not responding to SWPBS expectations Request for Assistance Student finds adult attention rewarding Student is NOT in crisis Consent from parents can be obtained A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT How Check In-Check Out Works The following is adapted from “Check In / Check Out: A Targeted Intervention” Horner, Sugai et al.: Morning Check-in Routine Teaching students when, where, how Teaching check-in coordinator Assess Reward Set-up or Redirect Teacher Check-in/Check-out Routine Teach students when, where, how Teaching staff/faculty Reward Set-up for success, positive momentum Evaluation A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT How Check In-Check Out Works The following is adapted from “Check In / Check Out: A Targeted Intervention” Horner, Sugai et al.: Afternoon Check-out Routine Teach students when, where, how Teach CICO coordinator data collection, acknowledge success, encourage improvement. Family Review Routine Teach students when, where, how Teach family only to acknowledge success, sign A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT How Check In-Check Out Works A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN Weekly CICO Meeting 9 Week Graph Sent Program Update EXIT BEP Plan Morning Check-In Afternoon Check-out Home Check-In Class Check in Class Check out Teacher Checks
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT How Check In-Check Out Works The following is adapted from “Check In / Check Out: A Targeted Intervention” Horner, Sugai et al.: Reward Menu/ Process Reward for collecting and turning in daily progress report information Reward for meeting daily goal Exchange system for points earned? A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT How Check In-Check Out Works The following is adapted from “Check In / Check Out: A Targeted Intervention” Horner, Sugai et al.: Reward menu Reward for collecting and turning in daily progress card Reward for meeting daily goal Exchange system for points earned Collecting, summarizing and using data Daily updates Weekly review by team Referral for individualized interventions. A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT How Check In-Check Out Works The following is reproduced from “Check In / Check Out: A Targeted Intervention” Horner, Sugai et al.: Daily CICO progress report card Same expectations for all Common schedule All staff taught rules for accepting, completing and returning the card. Home report process Can be same as progress card Can be a unique reporting form A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT Check In-Check Out Record Form A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN Based on the Grissom Behavior Pledge I will show respect for others and their possessions I will keep my hands, feet, and other objects to myself I will use acceptable language I will follow directions I will not prevent the teacher from teaching, or other students from learning.
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT Check In-Check Out Record Form A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN 0 = Not Yet 1= Good 2= Excellent Be Safe Be Respectful Be Your Personal BestTeacher initials Keep hands, feet, and other objects to self Use acceptable language, do not touch others’ possessions without permission Follow directions Do not prevent the teacher from teaching or other students from learning Class Recess Class Lunch Class Recess Class Total Points = Points Possible = 50 Today ______________% Goal ______________%
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT CICO Home Report The following is reproduced from “Check In / Check Out: A Targeted Intervention” Horner, Sugai et al.: A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN CICO Home Report Name: _____________________________ Date: _____________ ______ I met my goal today ______ I had a hard day One thing I did really well today was:_______________________ Something I will work on tomorrow is: _______________________ Comments: Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________ ______________________ Comments:
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT How Check In-Check Out Works The following is adapted from “Check In / Check Out: A Targeted Intervention” Horner, Sugai et al.: Planning for success How does student move off CICO? Adding self-management options to CICO Moving from CICO to individualized behavior support Functional behavioral assessment Comprehensive behavior support Substitute Teacher use of CICO How will substitutes learn about CICO routine? Help from CICO coordinator, “back up” CICO person available A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT Why does Check In-Check Out Work? The following is reproduced from “Check In / Check Out: A Targeted Intervention” Horner, Sugai et al.: Improved structure Prompts are provided throughout the day for correct behavior. System for linking student with at least one positive adult. Student chooses to participate. Student is “set up for success” First contact each morning is positive. “Blow-out” days are pre-empted. First contact each class period (or activity period) is positive, and sets up successful behavioral momentum. Increase in contingent feedback Feedback occurs more often. Feedback is tied to student behavior. Inappropriate behavior is less likely to be ignored or rewarded. A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT Why does Check In-Check Out Work? The following is reproduced from “Check In / Check Out: A Targeted Intervention” Horner, Sugai et al.: Program can be applied in all school locations Classroom, playground, cafeteria (anywhere there is a supervisor) Elevated reward for appropriate behavior Adult and peer attention delivered each target period Adult attention (and tangible) delivered at end of day Linking behavior support and academic support For academic-based, escape-maintained problem behavior incorporate academic support Linking school and home support Provide format for positive student/parent contact Program is organized to morph into a self-management system Increased options for making choices Increased ability to self-monitor performance/progress A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT Summary of CICO The following is adapted from “Check In / Check Out: A Targeted Intervention” Horner, Sugai et al.: Targeted interventions Highly Efficient, structured support CICO is one option Assess for whom it will work Enlist whole faculty involvement CICO will still need supplement from Tertiary, Function-based support system/Individual Intervention A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN
S CHOOL W IDE P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT Questions? Questions or comments?? Please feel free to contact me with questions if they come up. Elizabeth Roberds – A PLAN PROPOSED FOR GRISSOM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – MUNCIE, IN