Chapter 9 The Case of Matthew Simpson Cindy Buie, Mallory Mixon, Keely Brewer
Recognize the Problem 1. Matthew has major behavioral outbursts and impulsive behaviors that need to be addressed. His physicians and caregivers need to balance his medication to better suit his "emotionally disturbed" behaviors. One example of this behavior is Matthew stating, "If I can't leave by the door, I'll leave by the window." She has to rush to shut the window. He disrupts the entire class as he insists on calling out. He constantly talks to classmates and asks multiple questions. His teacher says that each question takes 5 minutes to answer. At age 11, Matthew has already faced probation by police.
Recognize the Problem 2. Matthew is placed in a segregated special education room where he is not meeting his potential. His teacher wants him to be placed in a regular 6th grade class at a new middle school. This transition is will be difficult. He often complains that he is bored with schoolwork and seems to know the answers to many questions. He needs a more challenging setting.
Reframe the Problem 1.The special education teacher wants his medication balanced and wants him in a regular classroom. She is worried about the transition to the middle school regular education program. The guidance counselor wanted him in gifted, but the special education teacher felt it would be too difficult of a transition. Instead she will recommend a pull-out enriched reading program for Matthew.
Reframe the Problem 2. Matthew wants to be challenged and stay active. He craves adult attention and wishes there were afterschool programs for him to attend, such as Boys and Girls Club. He likes to play games and invent things. He feels bored by the class activities. He has been taught by his grandmother to defend himself physically, and so he often responds to teasing with violence. He feels that Ritalin helps him concentrate better and the other kids don't bother him so much.
Reframe the Problem 3. Mrs. Simpson is Matthew's mother. She was a self proclaimed "fighter" in school. She is worried about his behaviors, but is busy working a full time job to support the family and therefore leaves Matthew in care of his grandmother.
Common Ground Mrs. Simpson and the special education teacher want Matthew to be successful and better able to deal with others. Matthew and his teacher want him to be challenged more.
Search for Alternatives
Goals 1.Improve Matthew’s classroom behaviors.
Plan of Action for Goal 1
Goals 2. Transition Matthew into a regular education 6 th grade classroom at new middle school.
Plan of Action for Goal 2