ZForm LLC Games with Vision TM Creating online games that allow the blind and visually impaired to play with each other and their sighted friends and family as equals. Claudio Santoro Presenter, Interim CEO Paul G. Silva Cofounder, President
2 ZForm Games with Vision TM What ZForm customers are saying… “I’m 70 years old, have been blind for many years now. I used to be pretty bored and alone inside my house. Now, at a moment’s notice, I can hop online and play with my new friends all over the world, any time of day or night.”
3 The Need The Blind and Visually Impaired (BVI) are denied full and equal access to many community and social activities that the sighted take for granted The BVI are socially isolated from the general population
4 Our Solution Create a place online where blind, visually impaired, and fully sighted can play and interact together as equals Launched the ZForm online subscription service in April 2006 and have already attained 300 paying customers Conversion rate from free trial user to paying customer is ten times industry standards
6 Market 3% of the population in US and Western Nations is BVI Combined with friends, family, and sighted customers, projected market size is half a $BILLION
7 Competition Direct – Primarily small shops designing games specifically for the BVI Indirect – Existing online game developers (i.e. Yahoo, AOL) with games for the sighted that happen to be accessible or may be accessible with sighted assistance
8 Business Model Business model: Monthly paid subscription Financial Milestones: -Break-even in year 2 with revenues of $580,000 (turn corner to profitability) -Achieve 100,000+ customers in year 5
9 Potential Suitors
10 Exit Strategy Previous 24 months have seen 8 acquisitions of companies with 100,000+ customers at average price of $400/customer ZForm value - $40 Million acquisition price ROI of 10X to Investors
11 Management Team Founder Successes –Recruited team to build and launch first game –Assembled a board of advisors with experience in business, marketing, assistive technology, and the video game industry –Featured in the Boston Globe, National Public Radio, and CNN
12 Management Team William Coleburn – Chief Executive Officer Gavin Andresen – Chief Technology Officer Alan Holst – VP Business Development
13 Investment Strategy
14 Conclusion ZForm –Addresses a clear need in a growing market –Has achieved active, paying customers –Has a clear exit strategy offering 10 times return –Is led by a seasoned management team
15 Questions?