Expectations to be followed by everyone in our classroom: Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Have Integrity
At the beginning of the school year the class will decide together what the classroom rules will be. They should fall under one of the four classroom expectations: Respectful, Responsible, Safe, Integrity Examples: Respectful Raise hand before speaking or getting up Manners: Please, Thank You, Your Welcome Responsible: Be on time for school and class Come to class prepared Safe: Keep hands and feet to yourself – stay out of others personal space Keep your area clean Integrity: No cheating – keep eyes on your own work Always be kind and help others
1. Complete Work on Time 2. Work should be your BEST work – neat and legible 3. Follow Directions and Pay attention 4. Ask for Help
You will receive an infraction if the rule is not followed 1 st time – verbal warning – talk about behavior and how it should change If same infraction is repeated: 2 nd time– 10 minute “time out” from free time (NOT recess – kids need recess to exert energy and allows the brain to take a much needed break from learning. 3 rd time – Write a letter of apology to anyone involved (teacher, student, worker) AND an is sent to parents/guardian. 4 th time- Meeting with principal
Rewards can be earned/given for particular behaviors set forth by teacher › These cannot be taken away, because they were earned. # of rewards per task is up to the teacher Students will be given the chance to “SHOP” at the end of the month using their rewards. Examples of ways to earn a reward: Turn in homework complete and on time all week Do something nice for someone else
As a teacher I will be expected to follow the same set of expectations as my students. I feel that leading by example is the best way to earn the students respect and to teach. In addition I will do these things: Treat each student as an individual – they all have unique learning skills and abilities Go above and beyond to give every student the same opportunities to learn. Have open lines of communication for students and parents Celebrate all the “wins” big or small with each student
The floor plan is designed to offer different areas for students to engage in activities throughout the course of the day. I feel that the classroom must be set up for differentiated instruction. The classroom design reflects the following areas: Student desk area- teacher is able to move easily throughout the area to assist and evaluate student work. Students are all facing the same direction to encourage students participation, students will not have to turn around to see the smart board/promethean board. They are also faced away from any activity areas so they will not be distracted by other groups that may be working. Teacher Desk Area - is in a position that she can see the entire classroom. Reading area - The reading area is set up with comfortable areas for students to sit and read. This includes a sofa, beanbag chair and a rug. The book stand is also in this area for students to choose reading material. Ideally this area would be close to an area with windows. Round Table Activity Area – This area allows for students to work on projects or group projects together.
Kidney Table Area – This area allows for the teacher to work with a group of students at a time. Face to face interaction allows for more individualized instruction. Projector/Easel – These items are placed at the front of the room so students have visibility to both from their desks. Ideally it would be a Promethium or Smart Board instead of a projector. Square Rug – This is placed at the front of the room so that students can gather if they need to be closer for a lesson. Computer Area – Computer area allows fro students to work on projects that require the use of the computer. Ideally these would not be placed near windows to avoid glare from the sunlight. Storage Areas and Shelves – These are placed throughout the classroom to allow for ample area to store all classroom supplies. One of the areas would be utilized for the students personal belongings (coats, backpacks, etc.) Fridge/Sink Area – This is essential in every classroom. Sink can be used to wash hands throughout the day without the students having to leave the classroom. The fridge can be utilized for teacher lunches/ water/supplies for projects.