How to Play Pass the Parcel Sean & David:
This game is played in the United Kingdom
This game is a popular game in United Kingdom named Pass the Parcel. This game has been played for thousands of years.
To play you must have 5 or more players and they have to be about 5 years old.
You will need a surprise gift, wrapping paper, tape, and music.
How to play is pretty simple. Before the game begins Mom or Dad will need to make the parcel by wrapping something funny or silly around your house in lots of layers of wrapping paper.
Using a different colors of wrapping paper will help each kid tell apart each color. To play, ask the kids to stand, or sit in a circle then the parent turns on the music.
Players pass the parcel around the circle until the parent stops the music. The person who is holding the parcel takes off one layer of wrapping paper
Start up the music again until the last layer of wrapping paper is off.
The one who opens the gift gets to keep it.
A adult ensures that the child who is celebrating has a nice gift.
About the Authors We go to Candlebrook Elemtery School. We are in third grade. We both worked really hard. We both LOVE VIDEO GAMES! Message from both: We have NOTHING in common!