Ghent University, Renard Centre of Marine Geology Management Unit of the Mathematical Models of the North Sea Catholic University Leuven, Hydraulics Laboratory Catholic University Leuven, Regional Geology Flanders Hydraulics i.c.w. Maritime Services, Flemish Government Ghent University, Marine Biology Section RBINS, Dept. Invertebrates Flanders Marine Institute QUantification of Erosion/Sedimentation patterns to Trace the natural from the anthropogenically-induced sediment dynamics BelSPO-SSD Strategic Research Network
SSD Priority Research Topics Quest4D is an oriented-basic research project offering a basis for decision-making and contributing to (inter)national research efforts related to: Process studies Impacts of anthropic and natural pressures Evaluating and developing integrated policy and management measures
Why ? Up-to-date impact studies remain inconclusive, regardless of the extensive field work and modelling exercises; mostly NO baseline studies; still Marine Strategy Directive: Aiming at a ‘good’ ecological status of the marine waters in the near future; need for Setting realistic environmental targets; Well-balanced monitoring programmes; Assessing natural vs anthropic pressure and variability Ecosystem goods and services Please elaborate on how the project can benefit the implementation of the Marine Stratege Framework for the Belgium policy makers. Will be project become more policy relevant when an ecosystem approach is used as an overall framework and focus the outcome of the project along ecosystem functions and services
CHALLENGES Conservation of biological diversity Conservation of biological resources Conservation of living and recreational space Three major trends Changes in hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics (e.g. sea level rise, coastal protection) Changes in biogeochemical cycles (eutrophication, new substances, restoration) Biological change (species changes, foodweb, mariculture) Changing Coastal Seas DRIVERS Climate change Intensification of use Societal change Analysis, monitoring and prediction Efficient and economical monitoring systems Regional system models Linking observation and models Enabling a Science-based management of coastal waters sensu Colijn, 2009
Process studies Measurements Morphology Sedimentology Biology Hydrodynamic and sediment transport Instrumentation Multibeam bathymetry Side-scan sonar Boxcoring Grab sampling Seismics Free fall penetrometer Multi-sensor tripod Active Cooperation UG-RCMG UG-Marbio MUMM WL Historic samples Characterisation of erosion/deposition areas
Process Modelling Development of integrated models (hydrodynamic-sand/mud transport – wave) incl. the offshore, nearshore, foreshore- beach and Scheldt estuary Sediment transport: sand-mud interaction: NEW bed model Wetting-drying schemes Dynamic coupling of currents-waves MUMM (coordinator)KUL Coherens model Sediment transport (sand/mud) Flocculation model Telemac model, WAM Dynamic coupling currents-waves Sediment transport (sand) WL Delft 3D Sediment transport (mud) Idealized modelling to address impact studies Model intercomparison a.o. Exchange of boundary conditions Minimising differences between observations and model output! Bottom vs surface processes Fine-tuning of parameters < process studies
Data management Selection criteria
Today’ purpose To discuss new measurements, observations and findings of the last 2yr. Issues: Influences on sediment transport; Larger scale sediment fluxes (sand/mud) Discussing ways how to upgrade the data into tangible environmental targets and indicators of use for a sustainable management of our seas (goal next 2yr). Issues: Significance of anthropogenically-induced changes vs natural variability; Views on sustainable exploitation (dredging, extraction, coastal protection); Monitoring of cause and effect: practical approaches?
A common goal for the future ?