Texas Education Agency July, 2012 ESC PEIMS Coordinator Training Melody Parrish, Terri Hanson – Texas Education Agency
Responsibility Matrix Work with Large and Small Districts Implementation Timeline Training Timeline slide2
Review changes to the Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS) since April, 2012 Examine the additional data elements needed for reporting PEIMS through TSDS in slide3
Change Logs Date Updated
Example: _000_2014FALL_ _InterchangeStudentExtension.xml The order of each naming element is as follows: First Position: District Code Second Position: Campus ID Third Position: Collection Code Fourth Position: Timestamp Fifth Position: Interchange Underscore (“_” )is a mandatory placeholder between each naming element.
Collection Code: The first four characters of the Collection Code shall be the ending year of the school year. For example, the first four characters would be ‘2014’ for the school year. The next four characters of the Collection Code shall indicate the type of data being submitted. Currently, the possible values are: “FALL” which represents the PEIMS Fall Submission. “MDYR” which represents the PEIMS Mid-Year Submission. “SUMR” which represents the PEIMS Summer Submission. “EXYR” which represents the PEIMS Extended-Year Submission. “DASH” which represents the Dashboard Submission. slide6
Timestamp: Is a date in YYYYMMDDHHMM format (e.g ). The Timestamp shall be a system generated value at the time the data is extracted. Interchange: The interchange being submitted. List of possible interchanges to submit is published in TEDS. slide7
311 Data Elements marked as: “Complex Types and Data Elements that are part of the Ed-Fi Core Schema, but not for Texas use at this time.” Data rows that are in gray and italicized represent interchange schemas, complex types and/or data elements that are part of the Ed-Fi Core Schema, but not for Texas use at this time. For a listing of these data elements, see Section 3.0. Requested Vendors to not include these complex types and data elements in the extractors. slide8
Data Elements that are denoted as “Not Used by TEA” are data elements from the Ed-fi Core schema that will not be used by TEA. slide9
Split document into Sections by Category. Complex Type Overview Pages were added before the individual technical specifications for the data elements. Data Element as it is used in that complex type. Indicating for Dashboard and/or PEIMS and whether it is a Mandatory Element. Potential Future Use Element. slide12
Previous structure detailed data element only one time. New structure details data element for each complex type. slide13
Example: DATE-OF-BIRTH StaffExtension Complex Type StudentExtension Complex Type slide14
Same information as detailed in Section 3 is now in Section 7, but split out by Interchange Schema. Interchange Schemas are now listed in the order in which they should be loaded. slide15
E1071 COURSE-GRADE in the Grade Complex Type is no longer a PEIMS Data Element. E 1075 FINAL-COURSE-GRADE in the CourseTranscriptExtension Complex Type is no longer a PEIMS Data Element. These two data elements remain in TEDS as data elements used for Dashboards. slide16
E1522 EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE is a new PEIMS Data Element. Added to the StudentExtension Complex Type. E1083 BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE is a new PEIMS Data Element. Added to the DisciplineIncidentExtension Complex Type. E 1516 RESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODE is a new PEIMS Data Element. Added to the RestraintEventExtension Complex Type. slide17
C022 SERVICE-ID; Removed the asterisks and created 4 columns for Course Abbreviation, Eligible for High School Credit, Course Units and CTE Course (in progress). Renamed column headings as “Budget Eligible” and “Payroll Eligible” for: C145 FUND-CODE C146 FUNCTION-CODE C147 PROGRAM-INTENT CODE C159 OBJECT-CODE slide18
C194 RESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODE; New code table. C195 EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE; New code table. slide19
EducationServiceCenter Complex Type 010 Record for the ESCs. Only ESCs will report this complex type. E1086 EDUCATION-SERVICE-CENTER-NAME E1091 EDUCATION-SERVICE-CENTER-ID E1240 ORGANIZATION-CATEGORY slide20
E1240 ORGANIZATION-CATEGORY; New Data Element reported for Education Service Centers, Local Education Agencies, and Schools. DC055 EDUCATION-ORGANIZATION- CATEGORY-TYPE: 01 State Education Agency 02 Education Service Center 03 Local Education Agency 04 School slide21
The new PEIMS identifiers for student, staff, and course include: Identification System ID slide23
E1093 SCHOOL-YEAR was added to complex types such as SectionExtension and CourseOffereing to distinguish Courses and Sections from one school year to another. E1432 PREGNANCY-RELATED-SERVICES was added to the StudentProgramExtension to ensure that PRS attendance is reported. slide27
E1085 ATTENDANCE-EVENT-INDICATOR was added to complex types BasicReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension and SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendance Extension to indicate the type of attendance being reported (Regular or Flexlible, Bilingual/ESL, CTE, PRS, Special Ed). slide28
Focus will be on updating Section 2 to align with Legacy and to add data examples: August, 2012: Education Organization and Finance September, 2012: Staff October, 2012: Student November, 2012: Assessment and Cohort slide29
Two new data elements required for EDW: Unique ID for Student Unique ID for Staff Element will be populated with a unique id number provided by eScholar. slide30
For questions or to report any issues, please contact us at: slide31