Welcome to Our Open House Mrs. Roehler Language Arts 8 th Grade
A Little Bit About Myself Teaching for over 15 years Most of my teaching experience is with middle school students! My husband and I have four children (15-23 yrs.) Love the outdoors, bike riding, alternative rock and the Diamondbacks!
Genres of Writing We Will Cover Expository Text-Includes non fiction writing, describes, explains, informs Functional –Directions, information related to real world tasks, letters Persuasive-influence the reader, provide evidence and supporting details
Genres of Writing We Will Cover Expressive-Stories, poetry Literary Response-Reaction to the writer’s interpretation and feelings on a topic Research-Evaluate, organize, summarize and synthesize researched information
The Writing Process Prewriting-Strategies to generate a plan & organize ideas Drafting-Incorporate prewriting into a first draft Revising-Evaluating & revising the rough draft Editing-Proof reading & correcting errors Publishing-Formatting & presenting a final product
Accelerated Reader (AR) Individualized reading program Fiction and nonfiction books used to promote, motivate and improve students’ reading comprehension Link available on our school website (Media center)
AR Responsibilities: AR Completion is a part of your student’s overall grade Students are to read 45 minutes a day 20 min. at school & 25 min. outside of school Log ALL reading completed on the log DAILY Students take quizzes with Social Studies teacher or Language Arts teacher
AR Responsibilities: AR completion is a part of your student’s overall grade Be aware of your child’s quarterly goal and range Student must have a AR book with them at each of their class periods Each log MUST have a parent signature in order to be valid
Literature Short stories by well known authors Text selections are closely correlated to the Social Studies curriculum High interest stories, poems and narratives Author’s purpose, storyline, and story elements will be explored
Grammar for 8 th Grade Major Concepts Parts of speech Sentence punctuation Dialogue punctuation Simple, compound and complex sentences Capitalization & abbreviation
8th Grade Textbooks Literature Elements of Writing Write Source
Literature Studies Honors Class
Literature Studies
Communication: A vital part of your child’s success Best way to contact me is by e mail Use your child’s agenda to communicate a quick note Phone messages can be left at Team Conferences Check STI for grade update School website updates
The Wish List for the Classroom of Mrs. Roehler · Binders used or new (company logos just fine) · Lined index cards (any size) · Spiral notebooks · Loose-leaf paper regular or college lined · Boxes of tissue · Glue sticks · Blue or black pens · Plastic sleeves for 8 ½ X 11 paper · 1 or 2-G flash drive (look for sales that will be coming up) This supply is getting to be a better and better idea in this age of technology · Used boom box · Discarded books your child enjoyed reading Cardboard standup advertisements Tax Credit donations to Bogle to defray the cost of our team t-shirts
Please grab a sticky note from the class wish list board Are there items at your place of employment which could be donated as class incentives? Leave your child a note in an envelope I’ll deliver the message! Take handouts on the way out
This Year’s Team Shirt Design! Please grab a sticky note from the class wish list board Are there items at your place of employment which could be donated as class incentives? Leave your child a note in an envelope I’ll deliver the message! Take handouts on the way out