Cartoons: A weapon against discrimination and injustice. Irony and Satire take the world stage to promote change.
Responding with immediacy to current issues and events Using your composition books, describe your first reaction to each cartoon. Was it one of amusement, annoyance, understanding or puzzlement? Did you agree with the intent of the cartoon? Explain why you reacted in the way you did. What purpose can such cartoons serve?
Written response Write a brief explanation of one cartoon as you would explain it for a younger sibling or friend. Set the stage by explaining the event or issue being portrayed. Explain the intended irony and your reaction to it.
Current issues Select a current or historical issue or event from a newspaper, social studies text, novel, memoir (Maus), internet story, etc., that interest your. Describe the social injustice found in the situation. Identify the victims, oppressors and moral dilemma. Choose a style that best suits your purposes and draw a cartoon that challenges the viewer to think more closely about your subject. (stick figures are ok)