WHAT ARE THE IMPORTANT US POLICIES? Clean Air Act Clean water Act Superfund/CERCLA Endangered species Act NEPA
WHAT DOES THE CLEAN AIR ACT DO? Set Standards for six criteria pollutants National Ambient Air Quality Standards: Particulates, Sulfur Dioxides, Carbon Monoxides, Nitrogen Oxides, Ozone and Lead Limits set of sulfur dioxide emissions from coal fired plants: Established SO 2 Pollutant permits, which are bought and sold on the Chicago Board of Trade
WHAT DOES THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT DO? Requires an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for any project which receives federal funding
WHAT DOES THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT DO? makes it illegal to import to trade any product made from endangered or threatened species unless it is used for an approved scientific purpose or to enhance the survival of the species. Authorizes the US Fisheries and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National Marine Fisheries (NMFS) to identify and list Endangered or threatened species (in 1973=92, 2000=1,200)
WHAT DOES THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT DO? Species on this list can NOT be hunted, killed, collected or injured in the United States decisions to add or remove the a species from the list must be based on biology only, not economic or political considerations; economic factors can be used in deciding whether and how to protect endangered habitat and in developing recover plans for listed species The secretary interior is generally required to designate and protect the critical habitat needed for survival.
WHAT DOES THE MARINE MAMMAL ACT DO? prohibits, with certain exceptions, the permanent removal of marine mammals in U.S. waters and by U.S. citizens on the high seas, and the importation of marine mammals and marine mammal products into the U.S.
WHAT DOES THE CERCLA ACT DO? established prohibitions and requirements concerning closed and abandoned hazardous waste sites; provided for liability (fines) of persons responsible for releases of hazardous waste at these sites; and established a trust fund to provide for cleanup when no responsible party could be identified.
WHAT DOES THE CLEAN WATER ACT DO? Established a comprehensive federal program to achieve the goal of protecting and restoring the physical, chemical and biological integrity of the nation’s waters; requires permits for any discharge of pollution, strengthens technology; provided billions of dollars for construction of sewage treatment plants. Regulates pollution – must be suitable to swim and fish Requires water monitoring tests by government Requires remediation plan for polluted waters Provided $ for education and training
WHAT IS THE MAGNUSON FISHERY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT ACT? Provides conservation and management of ocean fisheries to prevent overfishing from depleting fish supplies.
WHAT IS THE GREAT PACIFIC GARBAGE PATCH AND HOW WAS IT FORMED? The Pacific Rim countries pollute the water with non-biodegradable materials (such as plastic), that collects in the center of a convection current and stays there. Everyone contributes pollutants, but no one is accountable. (Tragedy of the Commons)
WHAT IS THE MONTREAL PROTOCOL? Nations agreed to cut (then phase out) emissions of CFC’s.
WHAT IS THE CITIES TREATY? Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
WHAT IS THE ANTARCTICA TREATY (1959)? Set aside a demilitarized, nuclear free zone dedicated to the peaceful pursuit of knowledge and free exchange of scientific information.
WHAT IS THE KYOTO PROTOCOL? Attempted to markedly decrease carbon dioxide emissions. *Tragedy of the commons made this a failure, and we will talk about this more in the Global Energy Summit Unit.
WHAT IS THE LONDON DUMPING CONVENTION (1972) ? 100 nations agreed not to dump highly toxic pollutants and high level radioactive wastes in the open sea beyond the boundaries of the national jurisdictions; since 1983, these same nations have observed a moratorium on the dumping of low-level radioactive wastes at sea; became a permanent ban in 1994.