Homelessness Affordable Housing: A Click Away By: A.Viramontes Fall 2004
California’s Homeless 350, ,000 people everyday have no place to call home. More than 75% are families The majority are “working poor”
Urban Working Families Most cannot afford rent $19.69hr pay is needed to rent a 2 bedroom apartment Which is 3x minimum wage
Affordable Housing Every year 100,000 fewer houses or apartments are built that are needed 40% of Californians pay more than half their income for rent One in every 100 California residents is homeless There is a great need for affordable housing in California
Resources Websites homeless can now search to find shelters, clothing, and food
Solutions AB34-$55 million for programs including housing assistance Proposition 46- $2.1 billion housing bond $1.95 million for supportive housing programs
Bibliography Burt, Martha. “Helping Americas Homeless: Emergency Shelter or Affordable Housing". Urban Institute Press. 1 April 2001 Jackson, Karleen. “Family Homelessness: More Than a Simply a Lack of Housing”. Garland Publishing.1 December 1999 Stein, Joel. “The Real Face of Homelessness”. Time Magazine 20 Jan 2003
Nunez Costa da Ralph. “Are Shelters the Answer to Family Homelessness?”. USA Today. January 2003 Housing and Urban Development. 29 Nov Dec National Homeless Alliance. 1 Dec Dec