0 Slide 0 National Spectrum Managers Association Industry Round Table – Fixed Wireless Service May 20, 2008 Mitchell Lazarus | |
1 Slide 1 Fixed Wireless Communications Coalition Membership: microwave manufacturers (all sizes) frequency coordinators; engineering and support carriers; service providers; backhaul providers, etc. user associations (railroads, utilities, pipelines, public safety, cable TV, etc.) interested individuals “Unincorporated association” no separate legal existence apart from members.
2 Slide 2 FWCC Administration No office, no paid staff, no executive committee all decisions are open to all members all members review and comment on all pleadings Meetings: 8 times/year in Washington many members participate by telephone much business conducted by Forms of support: voluntary financial contributions – no fixed dues volunteered technical expertise, administration Votes are rare – most decisions by consensus.
3 Slide 3 FWCC Goals Purposes: defend fixed service spectrum against reallocation to other services defend fixed service users against interference from other services assist FCC in keeping fixed service rules current with technology defend fixed service interests in ITU deliberations Forums: FCC, FAA, ITU, courts.
4 Slide 4 FWCC – Proceedings (1) RM MHz Channels in the Upper 6 GHz Band Adding Channel Pairs at 23 GHz Support for Extension of LMDS Buildout Deadlines IB VMES in the Fixed Satellite Service WT Antenna Require- ments in the 11 GHz Band RM Federal Earth Stations Communicating with Non-Federal Satellites FAA FAA Spectrum & Tower Issues IB Broadcasting-Satellite Service 18 & 24 GHz ET MSSI, Request for a Waiver of Part 15 DA Repeal of Sec (f) ET Remington Arms Co., Request for Waiver ET SafeView, Inc. Request for Waiver IB WRC Agenda WT Rechannelization of the GHz Band Audit of Satellite Earth Stations ET Interference Temperature Metric ET Coordination in the 7, 10, 13 GHz Bands
5 Slide 5 FWCC – Proceedings (2) IB Earth Station Vessels ET Spectrum Policy Task Force WT ,81-86,92-95 GHz Bands WT Streamline Microwave Application Processing IB Redesignation of 4.9 GHz IB Partial-Band Licensing of Earth Stations ET Advanced Mobile and Fixed Terrestrial below 3 GHz IB GHz MSS Service WT , CC Antennas at Subscriber Locations ET Rules for GHz & GHz WT Fixed Service Rule Amendments at 24 GHz RM 9830 Interference from FS into GSO FSS IB Redesignation of 18 GHZ Band ET NGSO FSS with GSO & FS in the Ku-Band CC Reallocation Between 37.5 and 50.2 GHz RM 9650 NSGO FSS Gateways at C Band ET GHz Mobile Satellite Service ET Rules for the and GHz Bands
6 Slide 6 Current Fixed Service Developments
7 Slide 7 Two-Foot Antennas at 11 GHz FiberTower requested rule change to allow two-foot antennas in the 11 GHz band previous patterns required four-foot antennas two-foot antenna is 1/4 the weight, 1/3 the cost FWCC participated FCC amended rule (took 3 ½ years): Category A specifications unchanged Category B relaxed to accommodate two-foot pattern In case of interference, Category B user (any size) can either upgrade to Category A or reduce EIRP.
8 Slide 8 Adding Pairs at 23 GHz NTIA approved two additional 23 GHz frequency pairs for conditional licensing (for total of six) 11/07/07: FWCC filed rulemaking petition to add the new pairs asked the FCC to bypass putting petition on public notice, and proceed directly to an NPRM simultaneously filed request for waiver pending rulemaking Awaiting FCC action.
9 Slide 9 30 MHz Channels in Upper 6 GHz Present rules: MHz (“Lower 6”) allows 30 MHz channels 4,200 earth stations limit FS coordination MHz (“Upper 6”) provides for only 10 MHz channels 30 MHz possible under waiver but waiver bars conditional licensing 2/04/08: FWCC filed rulemaking petition requesting 30 MHz channels in the MHz band American Petroleum Institute opposed; FWCC replied.
10 Slide 10 Other Matters FCC granted LMDS operators extension of build-out deadline to June 1, 2012 signals possible flexibility as to other auctioned services FCC granted Multispectral Solutions, Inc. waiver to increase peak power at MHz ultra-wideband-like operation under Sec FWCC and MSSI negotiated limitations on waiver; FCC adopted.
11 Slide 11 Thank you! Mitchell Lazarus | |