Collaboration: From Vision to Watershed Plan Jim Renthal, DOI Field Coordinating Committee (Acting) Border Institute VIII: Planning and Operating Trans-boundary.


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Presentation transcript:

Collaboration: From Vision to Watershed Plan Jim Renthal, DOI Field Coordinating Committee (Acting) Border Institute VIII: Planning and Operating Trans-boundary Watersheds Rio Rico, AZ May 22-24, 2006

There are watersheds…

…and there are watersheds.

Variation in: Size Population Degree of Administrative-Geologic Boundary Overlap Resources and Issues

Moving from Vision to Trans-Border Plan Have an infrastructure of groups, organizations, agencies (fed, state, local) with common vision and basic goals We often do Have a common planning process We usually do

Typical Land Use or WS Planning Sequence Scoping, Issue ID, Vision, Goals Set Common Objectives Prepare WS Plan, Select Mgnt Actions Monitoring Effectiveness of Practices, Progress Toward Objectives Evaluation, Adaptation

Moving from Vision to Trans-Border Plan Have agreed upon body of facts We do in many cases, or on-going cooperative research Have governments ready to support and participate in joint planning Occasionally we do, but more often litigation, incompatible laws, differing objectives and priorities present barriers

A Common Sequence of Steps “Visioning Process” used by Tijuana River Watershed partners is similar ADEQ Watershed Planning Handbook for TMDLs, WS Restoration is also similar, but emphasizes adaptations, iterations Rio Mimbres Roadmap has similar features

Common Sequence Mimbres Roadmap Scoping, Issue ID Common Vision, Goals Fact Finding Create Common Objectives Select Management Actions Monitor ID common interest issues Define joint planning strategies Growth, water use analyses Define Joint use prioritiz. & common wtr mgnt policies Joint water conser- vation programs; exchange, share tech. Monitor

A Common Sequence of Steps Mimbres MOU: Emphasizes fact finding, data sharing (P. 7 a, b, c, f ) Objectives & actions avoid conflict with emphasis on conservation projects (d, g, h) Defers articulation of more challenging common objectives ( e, g)

Interagency Cooperation Public land is often that land low on the watershed, many users, landowners, potential partners, effected interests Collaboration is essential Convened to resolve conflict Inclusive

Interagency Cooperation Environmental legislation requires cooperation: * ESA -- Consultation * CWA – Delegated authority * NEPA – Public Participation

Interagency Cooperation DOI US-Mexico Field Coordinating Committee Border XXI – Border Protected Areas Southwest Strategy Watershed Councils and Partnerships

Current DOI-FCC Watershed Planning Activities FCC and its member agencies helped organize and fund First Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds, held in Benson, Arizona, October 27-30, FCC, in partnership with the Southwest Strategy, in May 2004, printed and distributed copies of a “Synthesis of Ecological Activities along the U.S.-Mexico Border, Arizona-Sonora and California-Baja California,” and a “Synthesis of Vertebrate Studies along the U.S.- Mexico Border.” FCC supported and several of its members participated on the organizing committee for a Western Governors Association—USGS Drought Workshop held March 11-12, 2004 in Tempe, Arizona. Collaboration continued with Asociación Regional Ambiental de Sonora y Arizona, The Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, The Nature Conservancy, and others interested in environmental education and managing and protecting the water and other resources in the Upper San Pedro River Basin.

Interagency Cooperation Local Authority (delegation or abdication) is a common theme DOI embraces “bottom up” approach, “local solutions for local problems” Delegation of authority more difficult in international setting

Sustainable Water Resources Sustainable Water Resources Roundtable- Interagency, NGO, academic task force Developing Indicators to advance knowledge and support decision-making Beyond the “future generation” definition

Sustainable Water Resources Principles Know value and limits of water Shared responsibility Equitable access Stewardship for today and the future

Sustainable Water Resources Principles 17 Canidate Indicators Number 6: Social and Organizational Capacity *Number of organizations dedicated to water and water-related education *Number of states active in comprehensive water planning *Number of states with regulations providing equal protection and access by all sectors to water resources

Sustaining the Flow of Watershed “Goods and Services” Time Ecosystems-Watersheds Society Social & Economic Drivers: Economic Development Energy Production and Use Land Use Population Growth Transportation Underlying Natural Processes: Disturbance & Response Energy Cycling Hydrologic Cycle & Flow Regime Materials Cycling The Biophysical Environment Ecosystem Goods & Services Human Alterations & Discharges