Welcome to 4 th Grade
I am looking forward to an exciting year, and it is my goal that your child will leave me with a love for learning.
Meet the Staff Mr. Kenneth L. Johnson, Jr. Principal Mrs. Stacey King, ED.S. Administrative Intern Ms. JohnsonRoom 203
Agenda The use of an agenda is a vital part of fourth grade. Please check and review your child’s agenda for homework and other important information. The agenda will be a communication tool between all three of us. Your child is required to get a signature from you in the agenda each night.
Behavior This year, I will be using ClassDojo. ClassDojo is the easiest way for you to see your child’s progress on a daily basis.
College Career Readiness Standards These standards are “what our children learn” in school. They are the basic skills that children in Georgia should be able to do.
Language Arts Benchmark Literacy Reading Street Trade Books (fiction and non-fiction, etc.) Writing for different reasons: Narrative, Informative, and Persuasive Writings
Reading Focus on increased fluency, comprehension, and literary elements.
What is fluency? Ability to read quickly and easily. Students who don’t read smoothly have to work hard to figure out the words. This interferes with understanding.
Instruction is whole group, small group, and individual. Title 1 resources are available for those students who need the extra support. We re-evaluate students several times during the year.
Accelerated Reader Uses fall scores to determine goals and reading range. Guides students to pick books that “fit”. Research supports reading at the bottom part of your level for the most growth. As fluency, accuracy, and comprehension increase, your child will know it’s time to move up. Helps teachers to monitor growth.
Math enVison 7 7
Math Focus Numeration Multiplication Division Fraction Geometry Measurement
Science Houghton Mifflin Science Georgia Matter and Energy Force and Motion Cycles on Earth Organisms
Social Studies Houghton Mifflin Social Studies Georgia United States History: Early Years
Homework Language Arts Math
Weights ELA Voc./Reading 60% Grammar 20% Spelling 20%
Social Studies 10% Homework Math 10% Homework Science 10% Homework Classwork 40% Test 50% Classwork 40% Test 50% Classwork 40% Test 50%
Infinite Campus Please sign up for Infinite Campus to check your child’s grades online; see Mrs. Jordan (Data Clerk).
Devices Please do not allow your child to bring electronic equipment, toys, or large amounts of money to school. Cellphones should remain in backpacks on silent at all times. If a violation occurs, I will confiscate the item and turn it in to the office.
Keep in Touch MES – (706)