Country HIS assessments Interim report July th Board Meeting July, 2007 Seattle, U.S.A.
Data sources Preliminary or final reports from 23 countries that used HMS assessment tool - Sub-Saharan Africa (12) - Middle East and North Africa (1) - Europe and Central Asia (2) - East Asia and Pacific (6) - Latin America and Caribbean (2) Qualitative analysis - process: n=17 Quantitative analysis - results: n=23
Assessment strategies All countries followed the suggested HMN strategy -identify and convene stakeholder group -participants conduct the self-assessment -consensus workshop to review the findings Some included sub-national meeting; others conducted meetings at sub-national levels. Several countries included follow-up interviews Relation with previous assessments The HMN assessment results were compatible with previous assessments The assessment tool filled gaps not assessed by the previous assessments
Stakeholder participation Stakeholders widely involved in assessments Ministry of Health National statistics office Other ministries and national institutions (Planning, Interior, Finance, Social Security) Research institutions, NGOs UN agencies (WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA) Stakeholders infrequently involved World Bank, UNAIDS Bilateral donors Stakeholders not known for their involvement Global Fund, GAVI representatives
Stakeholder participation (development partner participation) Multi-lateral agencies Bilateral and technical agencies WHO15USAID4 UNICEF7DFID3 UNFPA7DANIDA2 UNDP4GTZ2 EC3BTC1 UNAIDS3CDC1 World Bank3Italy1 ADB1JICA1 Netherlands1
Assessment results - overall Highly adequate Adequate Present but not adequate Not adequate Not functional
Assessment results Resources Highly adequate Adequate Present but not adequate Not adequate Not functional
Assessment results Resources - Policy and planning Not Not Present but Adequate Highly functional adequate not adequate adequate Sub- Saharan Africa East Asia & Pacific Other regions
Assessment results Indicators Not Not Present but Adequate Highly functional adequate not adequate adequate Sub- Saharan Africa East Asia & Pacific Other regions
Assessment results Data sources Highly adequate Adequate Present but not adequate Not adequate Not functional
Assessment results Data sources - Surveys Not Not Present but Adequate Highly functional adequate not adequate adequate Sub- Saharan Africa East Asia & Pacific Other regions
Assessment results Data sources – Vital statistics Not Not Present but Adequate Highly functional adequate not adequate adequate Sub- Saharan Africa East Asia & Pacific Other regions
Assessment results Data management Not Not Present but Adequate Highly functional adequate not adequate adequate Sub- Saharan Africa East Asia & Pacific Other regions
Assessment results Dissemination and use Highly adequate Adequate Present but not adequate Not adequate Not functional
Evaluation of survey components Highly adequate Adequate Present but not adequate Not adequate at all
Evaluation of analytical capacity Highly adequate Adequate Present but not adequate Not adequate at all
Country result examples (difference in dispersion of scores across components) Overall Resources Data sources Information products Dissem & use Viet NamMoldova Overall Resources Data sources Information products Dissem & use
Country result examples (difference in the mean scores for all components ) Overall Resources Data sources Information products Dissem & use GhanaTimor-Leste Overall Resources Data sources Information products Dissem & use
Conclusions - Assessment tool performance - Worked well for: –Generating a broad understanding of the HMN concept of HIS –Provoking discussion and enhancing collaboration among various stakeholders Worked not so well for –Comparisons between countries and over time –Detailed assessment of HIS components (e.g. civil registration) –Objectivity of the respondents and possible conflict of interest when a self assessment tool is used –Move from the assessment to planning –Attention to user needs and to assessing both what policy makers' and planners' need