Richard MocarskiLauren Wilson Coord. of Res. Comms.Senior Associate Dir.OSP
Purpose Support scholarly activities for tenured and tenured-tracked faculty. Expected outcomes: product will allow the researcher to seek external funds.
Specifics Deadline: Monday, February 1 st, 2010 – 4:45 pm via electronic application Amount: Up to $5,000 Earliest Possible Start Date: 5/15/2010
Eligibility Tenured or tenured-track faculty Priorities 1. Non-tenured tenured-tracked faculty 2. Non-tenured tenured-track faculty with significant funding unrelated to proposed RGC project. 3. More experienced faculty who are exploring a new direction in their scholarly endeavors.
Evaluation Criteria Objectives and merits of the proposal, including the quality of the presentation (clarity, design, methods, and analyses). Outcomes: will the project result in a publication, exhibit, performance, or external grant application? Budget: reasonable? Prior Review is encouraged
Proposal Requirements Narrative Budget List of selected publications and/or exhibits List of external grant support within the past two years. List of external grant support applied for during the last two years.
Narrative - Syntax Should be written in clear, non-technical language (the reviewers are from multiple disciplines). 5 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, and one (1) inch margins
Narrative - Content Abstract (one fourth of one page) Purposed/Objectives: rationale for proposed research Significance of the Project To the field of study To the applicant Research Methods/ Design/ Plan Outcomes Timeline
Budget The budget form is located on page two of the electronic application. Please contact your grant specialist should you need help in budget preparations ( bilities.html Budget Justification is part of the review criteria and should be articulated clearly. Budget Justification is limited to 1 page.
Budget Staples (Normally Allowable Costs) Personnel Summer Salary for PI Must Include Fringe benefits (28.41% for faculty) Part of a GRA Consultants Supplies (tangibles) Travel (per diem, transportation, etc.) Foreign travel must be justified extensively Other Expenses (services, lab fees, participant support)
Budget Nukes (Normally Un-Allowable Costs) Office Supplies Computers! Administrative support! Entertainment Costs Alcohol Anything not directly related to the proposed project. Anything for another project!
List of Publications 1 page limit (not part of the 5 page narrative) List of selected publications and/or exhibits: books, articles, abstracts, papers presented, and reviews. Including literature citations relevant to the proposed project.
Other Support (Current) List of all external grant support during the past two years. Include: Funding agency. Title of award. PI and Co-PI as listed in proposal. Total period & amount of the award. Amount of the award for the current award year if a multi-year award. For multi-year awards with competing renewals, date of initial funding.
Other Support (Pending) List of all external grant applications during the past two years. Include: Funding agency. Title of Award. PI and Co-PI as listed in the proposal. Total period of the award (since last competing renewal). Total amount of award (since last competing renewal).
Electronic Application Cover Page Personal Date (Be Specific) Application Area A: Physical and Biological Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering B: Social and Behavioral Sciences C: Arts and Humanities For further assistance in determining your area, please contact Richard Mocarski or Lauren Wilson.
Electronic Application Package Cont. Instructions for Submitting the Electronic Application (cover page) Form and Required Documents: Open the form ( and make sure that all sections are completely filled out including uploading all attachments. Once complete, click the “Submit” button.formhttp:// Once you’ve clicked “Submit”, a Thank You page will appear. This ensures your submission has been delivered to the appropriate committee. At this time, you will also need to your department head, letting them know that you’ve submitted your RGC application.
Where’s the Guidance? RGC Manual: OSP contact. cedures.html cedures.html RGC Correspondants Richard Mocarski – Lauren Wilson –
RGC Policies Only 1 proposal will be considered per investigator. RGC grants are for a 2 year funding cycle. Applicants are allowed to receive one RGC grant per 2- year cycle. All previous awardees must have completed their final report and have it on file with OSP before submitting subsequent RGC applications.
RGC Policies Cont. All research proposals involving human subjects, animals, controlled substances, radioactive materials or recombinant DNA must have approval by the appropriate University Committee in order to ensure compliance with existing regulations. Grantees must obtain approval before RGC funds are released. RGC grants are for a 2 year funding cycle. All award recipients must abide by the regulations concerning any patentable invention, process, design, or improvement set forth in the University Patent Policy, please see the Technology Transfer Office website for further information:
Thank You and FAQ Richard Mocarski Lauren Wilson